Rosa's Guide to Poképhillia, Ch 3 - Jolteon

Warning: some chapters deal with kinks appropriate to the specific pokemon in that chapter. no gore, but some chapters might get kinky. (this is a reupload from fanfiction, where it was deemed non-appropriate.

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Thoughts and Feelings

"_ minutes went by as he thought to himself, taking the familiar route to james's apartment, before he finally came to an appropriate solution.

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Forgotten - Chapter 7: Rules

Before he was re-muzzled, he had remembered, and his ears lowered and cheeks burned appropriately.

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SPQR (Senatus Populesque Romanus)- Intro

Eventually, martellus would make a name for himself in the senate, appropriating funds to the military in which, his cub was a member, a vested interest of the highest importance.

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Foxes on a Plane

"we can't let any passengers off until the situation is resolved, or appropriate authorities tell us to evacuate," the flight attendant replied. "that's company policy in the event of a 7500."

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I used my roommate for the experiments

The knotted canine dildos are best for this purpose, and the most appropriate seeing as i want him to stay accustomed to canine cock in his ass.

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The Demon's Deed

Stumbling along the street, he searched for an appropriately placed dumpster or other item to take a leak at, and decided to turn into an even smaller alleyway behind a shop.

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Wuff in Boots

The wolf found himself at the bar, where patrons were being served by the usual rather hunky daddy tiger, though today with a theme-appropriate twist.

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Chaos, and other job descriptions- Part 1

I'm not up on my colloquialisms but i believe the phrase 'brick shithouse' would be appropriate. in any case, he also kills people for a living, and not as a soldier.

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Year of the Dog: Chapter 4 (Platinum Patreon)

They actually made for a very appropriate couple, an aspect that he was sure to solidify in the coming minutes. ruul eased back more in his chair and settled his arms over those of the chair.

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Protecting the Line, Draft 1, CH 02

"deer, i don't know that it would be appropriate for us to stay with you," zee said. the fox smiled broadly and looked zikabar over. "since when do you care about appropriate? that suit is blinding in the sunlight."

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M&FF: The Sacred Grove

Would those belonging to the appropriate races please disembark." it instructed. it became apparent to river that the game was going to have designated starting areas.

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