My Sister's High Heat.

I'm alone tonight. Well, alone from the people I want to be alone from. Primarily anti-drug parents who are away for the weekend at some marriage counseling. Although my sister is upstairs, she's a lot more open to drugs, especially chocolate. (Yes,...

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Metal covered in fur.

I hold my right eye unit in one of my hand, the wires seem flimsy to me now, even though I know how important they are. The metallic shell of the case shines in the daylight as I examine it, thoughts going through what I would call my mind (more...

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The Farmhouse: part 2

I rest up against the back of the main barn of the farm, patting the last of my belly, which I had mostly 'got ride of' last night. Normally I don't work Friday to Sunday, but I wanted to come in today. Sam's allowed to roam freely on the same days I...

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A Normal Day On The Ship: Part 2

I wake up slowly, the feeling of a giant buttplug in my ass is the first thing I register. I'm on the couch, with Luke behind me, his muzzle pressing against my ass cheek. I don't think Jason's here anymore, I can't hear him at least. "Fuck..." I...

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The Farmhouse

I'm a farmhand, well, a farm-paw I suppose. Work's easy for the mosttype part, being a friend of the farm owner has it's perks. But then again everyone here are friends with him, he's a very 'friendly' sort of guy, and by 'friendly' I mean...

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Dragon Goes Mating

"Letty! Someone's at the door." Dearia tells me as he passed by my bedroom door. "Who is it?" I ask, coming out of my bedroom, watching him head down to his own. "I have no idea, but they're a dragon." "A... d-dragon..." This makes me gulp softly,...

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The locks around my wrists and ankles feel nice against my fur, keeping me attached to the highly maneuverable, X shaped restraining device. The name of which escapes me, but hey. When I'm tied up like a good puppy, the names of them don't matter. All...

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Two Rounds

* * * I'm on all fours, held underneath a dominant partner with a large cock in my ass. My body trembles under the rough thrusts of the dog over me, my breath ragid, my muscles responding to the heat of the situation. I pant like a feral as I get...

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Between a Stud And a Hard Cock

I watch the swaying hips of the giant, muscular, feral horse as he walks through the canteen. Like all ferals, he's completely naked, letting me watch his whole body. My mouth feels dry as I imagine all the sordid situations I could get into with him,...

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A New Zebra Roommate.

Fuck... I hate starting a new year. College drags the rest of the year, but that's only because everything happens at the start of the year. At least I get a new roommate this year, an IF; a Intelligent Feral. As the name suggests, he's apparently as...

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Sangheili Heat

I grunt and grit my teeth as I push the back-end of the carrier-styled worthog, getting a good few feet before I stop and take a breather. Wiping my forehead of sweat, huffing in the warm air. The sounds of nearby bugs hit my ears, coming from not too...

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Jake Long: American Dragon

Just another day in school, the same old classes, same old students. That is, until I see him. Samuel. He didn't get a introduction to the class, he just kinda... showed up today. I hadn't even noticed him until I heard him mention dragons. That he...

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