Ghost Treat

The snake resembled a boa constrictor mixed with a python or something. it was over the usual eight feet. it looked more to be eighteen feet.. or more. it was a male it seemed. he floated some off the ground and noticed some human ghosts.

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A Heart of Glass or a Heart of Stone

He pointed at the feather boa-adorned pair and sounded oddly pleased at the fact that he managed to make two gay guys very happy indeed.

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Nigel's Debt

Glimpsing the humongous, glistening green boa constrictor made the white cockatoo seem like a mild, almost pleasant surprise. she _squawk_ed and leapt forward, but the snake was too fast.

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Vore Short Fiction: Early Morning Snack

Unknown to mala was a large rainbow boa, around 40+ feet long with a striking color pattern slithered its way through the crack in the window.

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The Path of the Rainbow Dragon

The naga, well, other than being a boa copperhead mix, it has a bulged stomach. it isn't too obvious why it is bulging until you see the bulges moving. it is red scaled with diamonds on it.

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Death Isn't the End

His chest felt so tight, almost like he was being squeezed by a boa constrictor. "please don't make me have to be ready." the guard rested down on one knee. his emotions falling through a mask of unconcern slightly, "hey, hey, calm down."

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Abomination, Chapter 2

She took seymour out of his cage and draped the compliant boa over her shoulders, and sat back down at her desk.

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(Dream Journal) I Sell Human Meat

They were trying to get a polar bear cub off from a tree that had an insanely huge boa constrictor. i don't know why i did this or why i even cared, but i leaped onto the side of one of the college buildings.

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O Problema de Magnésio

O que era mais inconveniente... era que seu treinador era completamente ignorante quanto a mecânica entre um miltank e sua mama, pois magnésio recebia ração de boa qualidade com uma quantidade descente de gordura, o excesso sendo eliminado no leite.

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Bound In Beast Flesh -- Aperture

The boa of an animal tail wreathed your neck for but a moment as the creature slipped by, climbing upon your backside and pouncing off as it chortled.

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The Path of the Dragon Lover

The naga, well, other than being a boa copperhead mix, it has a bulged stomach. it isn't too obvious why it is bulging until you see the bulges moving. it is red scaled with diamonds on it.

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Day 10 - Storm

High above the ground, the currents of winds brushing their feathers, the whole world was laid bare for raik to see and the tidings coiled around wumanok's heart like a boa.
