Walls Book 1 - Ch 15 : Secrets

I turned my head and focused on the bulkhead, "open the bulkhead." "i am not your enemy vilkas," athena said as the bulkhead opened. "i..." i found no answer and the turmoil of my mind made me rush out. ## 511 a.r.

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Hard Discipline in the Navy

The captain was now in a complete, primal frenzy and no longer considered anything else but the domination of the timberwolf lodged against the bulkhead.

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Echoes Chapter 6

He stopped and opened it, then put in a command to close the bulkhead doors. alarms and klaxons sounded, red light strobed through the hallway as massive bulkhead doors started to close.

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Team Argos, Chapter 1 part 3

The bulkhead doors started closing noisily and he blacked out again for a second. when the wolf came to, art was standing over him trying to clear off the ceiling debris off the bookshelves.

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Chapter 20

She continued her pacing, from bulkhead to bulkhead. "in my language, the direct translation is guardians of fire, because the act of labor is both burning for the woman and gives her a temper hotter than any flame.

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Game-Changer, Chapter Seven

Bee and bulkhead shifted into vehicle mode, and ashanti's team ran to them. chang glanced at her watch as she threw herself into bulkhead's back seat. "only a few seconds left." "roll out!" optimus surged forward.

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Walls: Reboot 1 - The Ring

A heavy thud hit the wall as i watched it, and the bulkhead indicators blinked to life. "pressure is equalizing... opening the bulkhead," boreas said. "would you suggest i hide my tendrils?" i asked. "good question...

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Walls: Reboot 2 - The Descent

I near-slammed my hand on the console next to the bulkhead, connected with the system, and reached out with my mind, 'boreas?'

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Walking a New Path

Slowly, lumina's view of the drab ceiling bulkheads shifted downward while the bed folded up into a sitting position.

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Remembrance - Part 1

There was a bulkhead that split the ring up into segments every 310 meters. each bulkhead enclosed a space of four meters. there were one thousand sleepers in the ring; nine hundred and ninety-nine now that he was awake.

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Breathless - Ch. 2

Something tossed him against a bulkhead, leaving a shallow dent. marc fought to get to his feet. his arms hung limply at his sides, his energy spent.

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The Cold Wind II: Taniwha (Ch 06 - 07)

He bent down and none too gently dragged the engineer to his feet, before pushing him over onto a pile of metal crates lined up against a bulkhead.

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