Domesticating the Dom pt 1

#1 of domesticating the dom a dominant hyena seeks to find someone to fuck, only to find himself in a situation he did not expect. dennis approached the tipsy fellow club and bar, the hyena's favourite haunt and hunting grounds.

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Domesticating the Dom pt 3

#3 of domesticating the dom after accidentally issuing a challenge to the wolf, dennis must do his best to resist every attempt fenrir makes to break him. will he succeed or will this dom finally be broken?

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The evolution of pokémon

It is theorized that domesticated pokémon inter-bread with more wild pokémon. the more wild pokémon died faster and reproduced fewer offspring so their line ended.

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Raven Wolf - Book 01 - Chapter 14

She defiantly stood out from any other domestics he had faced, in fact she didn't look like a domestic at all, and instead looked like a wild.

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I Can't See The Forest For The Trees, Part 1

I knew there was something different about this guy, my nose never lies, this is not your average domestic pet dog he is a husky and looks to have some tiger blood in him too judging by the tiger stripes that run down his back and tail.

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Glossary/Author's Note

**eilam** - (pronounced eye-lamb) a three-legged mountain goat domesticated by dwarves **hyolf** - a large and dangerous predator semi-domesticated by the orks. used as mount and companion.


Raven Wolf - Book 06 - Chapter 01

._ _ _ _of all the domestic cities, the city of cordella faced some of the most dramatic changes, having been crushed by the sky domestic's 3rd fleet, which had been above the city when the sky had fallen, if that had not been enough damage a slew of

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09 History of the World Part Fur

The humans allowed the domestics to aid them in their fight against the wilds. most domestics are friendly or even loyal to humans and wish to continue to live together in peace.

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Raven Wolf - Book 03 - Chapter 13

"sir, it looks like there are some domestics among the wilds, and they don't seem to be effected by the sound we're emitting." zephyr takes the binoculars from him. "that's impossible, both domestics and wilds should be effected by it."

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"Hey." Dolfengra whispered to Draco. "Hey, wake up." "Nnhn..." Draco gurgled and grunted, shifting and grinding atop the shark. His hips were rolling and grinding from side to side as well. That really wasn't helping Dolfengra's own arousal....

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This WInding Path

_the following story contains dark themes that may be sensitive to certain readers i.e. domestic abuse. you are warned now that if this subject material is offensive to you do not read further.

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Long time I don't see you (commission)

After saying that, the purple domestic cat moved closer to the rabbit lips, planting a kiss on his boyfriend.

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