An Orctober to Remember

An orctober to remembersupported by my patrons after being apart all summer, dane plans to spoil his boyfriend by doing all the classic fall traditions that rory loves so much.

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Sisu Lays and Egg - Chapter 5

The peace meeting was over, but Jagan couldn't get over his frustration with Pengu for making him support Raya in preparing for the Meeting while Pengu got to mingle with the crowd. "It's your job to be all diplomatic and all that," Jagan fumed, "So...

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Zhaiothe Part 5 - Tears Don't Fall (pt1 and 2)

Last i checked: one falls in love with another person. not a gender.

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God Siege Chapter 1: The Fall of Soarsky Temple

falling back down again, gale fell shoulder first onto the dirt, tumbling down the mountainside. she tried to stop herself but the mountain was very steep and blowing in the wrong direction might make her fall harder and faster.

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The fall of Aurora Falls part 1

#1 of the fall of aurora falls the town of aurora falls was quiet and peaceful. there was a farmer named thorn, a swift and elegant archer named mist and a knight named charles.

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The House: Ch 5 - The Goth

As they turned the corner, they heard what sounded like something falling. "i think they found the library. i bet that clumsy idiot got stuck under a pile of books or something." they continued on, until they came to an open door. "nate are you..."

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Odd Mates Redone part 2

#2 of odd mates redone this is a crossover with alpha and omega and lion king while also a kinda of a crossover with my falling for a lioness. kind of a a/u version of my falling for a lioness series that im rewriting.

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Dipper Pines: The Love Of Infinity

They were very sad because they had to leave gravity falls behind, they had to leave the wonderous place of dreams and passions where they spent the season of helios' kissed rays upon fruitful vegetation gaea.

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The Fall of Azurescale

It wasn't like him to fall asleep in public like that, and he didn't remember falling asleep at all. his musing was cut short as he turned his attention to the sky. "fuck, kilal!"

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Fall to the Bell

He began to drag her up before letting her fall, her body stretched, her toes curling and her eyes peering up in utter delight as she let herself fall.

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Fall of Nergigante

"i have no reason to," he said it with a cracking voice, fully aware that his desperate attempts at showing defiance were falling flat.

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