Facility- Chapter 6

Finding the shower wasn't so much the problem as figuring out how to use the shower. As with everything around this place, there is a shower, just that anything you'd need is hidden in secret compartments. And trying to find the compartments for soap...

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Lost Temple

He had finally found it. A lost temple devoted to some unknown religion that was hidden in the remote parts of the world. His accomplishment made even more spectacular due to the fact that the temple would not show up on satellite images for some...

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Nice Rack

(M TF Megaloceros) Athena was a normally calm and mature woman. She currently worked with the conservation group known as AWE full time, but also part time at a local bar. AWE was still settling itself in as a relatively new organisation, so...

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Billy's New Nanny

(MtF TF goat) David went to greet the delivery guy early morning. He was really starting to get the hang of country living this past year, and was glad he moved out here. Crushed under the weight of modern capitalism, David snapped from stress and...

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Hot And Bothered

(F tf Bitch) Your teen years are supposed to be about experimentation, right? Lorain had done her share of that. As soon as she turned 18 she held a huge party and got completely sloshed on booze. She decided maybe not lean that hard into it...

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Dr. Feng's Fabulous Dunk Tank

You woke up groggy, suspended by your wrists on one of those Frankenstein-style slabs. Your eyes flickered and tried to clear your blurry vision, but the piercing lights rained down hard. It was exacerbating your already grueling migraine. You tried...

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Under The Bloodmoon

FOG... Fog... as far as the eye could see from the fire escape of the low apartment building was nothing but fog. Well fog and the apartment two feet away with its ugly red brick, the fire escape being rusted, the building where the sniper sat was...

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From stud to mare...

From stud to mare The slender sexy spotted feline stretches out on the couch and yawns some. "How are you?" "Ok..." "How are you?" The big roan stallion answered and asked. "I'm... feline." The sleek spotted predator...

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A New Kind of Royalty

A New Kind of Royalty By Lin Fawx The exhausted party of four stumbled down from the mountain path, their eyes set on a nearby town. Garnet, or "Dagger" as Zidane decided to call her in a stunning...

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Sinking into Darkness

He slowly stirs awake. He opens his eyes, and then inhales sharply in shock. He is covered with a blanket, but something is pinning his entrie body to a cold metal table. He squirms against the bonds, 'Must be leather...' is thought to himself, before...

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"BARK!" Andrew blinked, looking up from the paper he'd been trying to write. "Trying" being the operative word; he was no stranger to 2 AM night-before-it-was-due papers, but this one was being a pain. So any distraction was good. But what was...

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DISCLAIMER: The authour makes no pretense of making a faithful representation of psychiatric medicine. Also, the ACS series is inspired by the SCP Foundation. Girls will be boys and boys will be girls It's a mixed-up, muddled-up, shook-up...

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