12 Vores of Christmas, Fourth Vore of Christmas, Fox

His mouth, some of which fell back onto the table as he swallowed part of the fries.

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It all Started with a Second Coffee Ch 1

The aroma of fried grease and potato from his side order of extra fries, which had been combined with the ones that came as part of his biggies #1 combo burger with a large soda, was perfectly balanced with the smell of the dough from his breakfast sausage

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Lunch at King's

Give me that, and a small fry." "alright, that's two down, two to go. what about you two? you got something in particular you wanna eat?" missy looked at the other two cats, who were moping about. "we'll just have burgers, no fries."

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What I've Been Looking For

"oh one of my favorite places, how do you feel about a burger and fries?" "well, i mean the fries are good. i'm not much into meat though." clay laughed. "i figured as much, that's why they have a great vegetarian menu too!"

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A Night at the County Fair: Part III

In fact, if it weren't for his back, rascal might have jumped up and taken his long awaited _deep fried butter_. when the human hesitated with the fried goodness in his hand, rascal wanted to bite his ankle.

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Toby Breaks a Toaster | Series Commission

Soon, however, the oil began to hiss and snap, sputtering as the radiator worked like a frying pan, transferring the heat far more efficiently and quieting down those last vestiges of sentient thought in the once-promising college mice.

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Beyond The Garden

An-yan leans in just as kylen puts a few fries in it mouth at the same time. he keeps looking at kylen who simply looks back at him, not chewing his fries. "yan this is getting little gay." he said with a mouth full of fries.

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The Artaxes Family

I am already dripping pre on the wonderful smelling fried nuts just beneath my nose, and my cock.

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Trick and Treat: Part Six

"two rashers of bacon, two pork sausages, slightly burned just how you like them, two triangles of fried bread, two fried eggs and some baked beans on the side; along with a tall caramel latte and your newspaper."

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Digimon Darkness Chapter 5

I hope the fries don't taste like socks again! i start giggling. so i ordered terriermon a large order of fries and we were on out way to the woods. yes the same woods we fought guilmon in! terriermon: oh! my! god! this is pure heaven!!

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Spygate: Chief's Resolve

Waru found the storage closet and decided this is where he'd be fucking fry all night, that is if fry didn't break.

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