'Fair' play

He reached the edge of his suv, and popped his hand out, aiming through the chaos... he fired three times, and one dart found it's mark, leaving the gangster spinning and remaining up.

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The legend of a warrior; chapter 12 - The darkest hour of Kesteven - Old wounds

He answered with a predatory grin down at her as he pushed roughly the gangster down towards his cock, squeezing his thick fingers on her head.

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The Adventures of the Black Cat

The words of the vulpine pressured the gangsters into urgency. "isn't that why you hired the big guy outside?" one of the henchmen asked.

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Family Matters P2 - Chapter 3

I never thought i'd have this much in common with dad... but at least grandpa was a gangster..."

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The Fireborn: Cold as Hell

She was a female and even with all the gangster junk and dirt on her body she was still a pretty thing. with proper grooming she likely would have been gorgeous.

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life with a dragon chapter seven

Why don't you come over here and i'll help you find your way" the gangster offers. "yo! i need some brake lines. think you can hook me up?" i ask. "it's goanna cost you" the gangster says threateningly. "i'm sure we can work something out.

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Born Bad - Part 5

He went into the biographical section at the large bookstore they had entered, selecting several titles about his favorite people in the world--gangsters.

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Regrettable Circumstances: Ep.2 Pt.2

When james said ese, the gangster recoiled as if he had been punched. he took a moment to gather himself. then he finally stuttered out, "w-wait here man, i talk to the boss man." he went back inside.

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Manhattan Man-Handle

He had almost a kind of innocence to him that you wouldn't expect from a bounty hunter posing as a gangster. it made him sexy in a unique way. we sat around and bs'd quite a bit...mostly him asking me questions of the seattle area.

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The Nature of a Vampire

All at once dozens of these demons flew forth from paul's body engulfing the gangsters, ripping them limb from bloody, shredded limb. the gangsters screamed as the demons ate them alive splattering the side walk with their blood and entrails.

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Under the Covers

They were both busy with some bumbling, moronic gangsters that got a group together, acquired some weapons of various sorts, and decided that they could create mayhem on some unsuspecting streets.

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Ancient Evil Instituted

"yes, sir," blazer says as he feels the evil emanating from the high priest and gangster and gulps as he wants to get out of the presence of the octopus as soon as possible.

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