Magical Mayhen Sorcerous Familiar Chapter two: The Arival of Veil Academy!

The golem tapped its chest. "inside." musashi placed his hand against the golem's chest. "something inside?" forty-nine nodded.

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Sight of the heart Chapter IX

golem rolls towards sophie who jumps out of the way and at amy's command uses tackle sending golem off course and out of the designated battlefield, while its not a ko it is a ring out and a victory to amy. brock recalls golem smirking.

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Carnal Demonlogy Volume 2

The average golem stands around 7 feet tall, but there are some astounding reports of golems reaching 20 feet in height. other masters who merely wish for a bound servant to toy with, settle for a more human sized golem.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book III Chapter 13

However when you're alone it isn't a simple task to take out a golem, capro is a good example of that, or perhaps you just need to see the weakness appearing on the golem's rocky body to count it as one.

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Blade Tail- The Library

At the golem's insistence he's bringing jarvis with him. the golem was quite interested in meeting the library's golem and he had checked with them the other day that it should be okay so long as his golem behaves.

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The Magic Academy - Prologue

There is a loud rumble as a giant golem steps into view. the giant earth and moss creature swings its arm and slaps the bounder from the sky. in just the nick of time golems from their kingdom bear down on the academy to defend their ally.

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A Realm Divided Act1/Episode 2

Garok turned to the smaller platypus like alien that was draco who gave him the thumbs off to jump off the war golem. the arcane war golem faced draco who held a detonator in his left webbed hand, "game, set, match."

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Origins: 2

Pulling back a woman who stands afraid before the creature and shielding her with his body as the golem begins to swing. the golem mid-swing stops its arc and begins to stand upright as if it was to salute arien.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VII Chapter 24

The golem opened his mouth, he felt as his heart leapt into his throat, he was nearly certain that the blazing fire inside the golem's mouth is going to melt the scales off his snout. nothing like that happened.

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'Lordy, The Rings!' or 'Geno and the Spider'

golem said in a low voice, while licking his lips. \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* geno did not realize that golem had disappeared until the two furries had finished their shoelace soup.

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Navigating in a Changed World - The Security Room

"a golem?" ben asked. "no..." the other head said, "it sss-serves-sss a mage, like a golem. but it is not physical..." it stuck its tongue out again, tasting the air. "immaterial... sss-spiritual..."

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