Valentine's Gift

She could paint this dog's prized scrotum with some red food dye, bake it, and make a truly 'heartfelt and special meal for her love.

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A look at "Variables" by Roland Jovaik

It's probably hard to see him as sympathetic by the end of the first part, where he's hurt the feelings of certified sweetheart cory, but through the second, he redeems himself both through the realisation of his own mistakes, and his genuine and heartfelt

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Autocorrect Romance

Nick didn't expect their heartfelt moment to be shared. "yes, that's why she's here." "i'm confused." he scratched his head. "it's what you texted me last night." "what were you texting over and over for anyway?" nick hadn't checked his phone.

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Zion - LotNM Character Prologue (Armenius Tenge)

"majh blackpaw." the polar bear clasped one of her paws with both of his own, giving it a heartfelt squeeze.

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Break Away

He pulled back to look at her and she gave such a heartfelt smile that he couldn't help but grin. she snuggled against his chest, humming to the feeling of his fur. "raphael, thanks." she said quietly, making his heart clench.

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Project Freedom Chapter 1: One Last Saturday

All three fall out with a deep heartfelt laughter, even jack had to hold his gut. but deep inside apart of him wanting nothing more than to just do it here on the floor and forget breakfast.

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Sample Second Person Transformation Shorts

You look up at the moon and howl at the top of your powerful lungs, as a heartfelt thanks for the privilege of partaking in such a liberating night, but it's time to go, your pack must be waiting by now.

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Love and Laughter

Words that every girl hopes to hear when she's being given a heartfelt gift..." elena smirked as she began to peel open the envelope. "...oh shit, i almost..."

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A Fatal Game 1 - The First Night

Emotions themselves have their own innate power if they are truly heartfelt, the heart itself an amplifier for such power.

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In the Fire's Wake

The fires of vital passion, and of heartfelt love not _just_ for haley but for this entire world and all the goodness within it raged reborn within dust's body.

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Raiyev Part 21

Frost hesitated, then after a long, heartfelt hug around his leg, leaving some of her tears in his soft fur, she turned and started off down the road.

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