Robin's Promise

Now that skippy could see better due to the candlelight he was certain that it was definitely robin hood, tall, handsome and courageous. "oh robin."

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Fox and Red

Just a play on the whole red riding hood story, most surprises ruined by tags.

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The King’s Priest

Robin hood tries to save marian from the hands of prince john, only to fall into his own hypnotic trap.

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The Reality Changing Machine: Chapter 3: Robin Hood

#3 of the reality changing machine the first dimensional domain they visit is that of robin hood. they definitely have a certain female fox on their minds. ty and brett arrive in the robin hood universe.

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Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?

Go grab your little hood now, and um..." she tapped her chin in thought, "what is it that humans say to dogs..? oh, heel!"

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Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?

"see you little red riding hood." the wolf said smiling. "bye wolfie, i think i'll stop by and visit more often." allie said with a huge grin.

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Shade's Awkward Walk

The cobblestone path crunched under his feet, the sun beating down on his hood making him sweat under his hooded cloak, but he didn't care. he was used to being hot so much, he gets cold if he was not bordering the sweat zone.

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Plan Gone Bad

Mainly to do with capturing robin hood. "oh! damn, fox, yer like an expert at this!" the sheriff moaned, his thick wolf hood pumping in and out of robin's mouth. "but i bet you've done this plenty of times before, huh, slut?

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Fucking Machine/Milking Stream Story 2: The Correction Cube

He whimpered through his hood, the only sound that he could hear in the glass prison he was in, and the orca whined.

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Online Domination

It was a hood, heavy black rubber with a china doll face. there was a tingle to it, the tingle of magic. the face stared back at zoe as she lifted the hood out of the box, when she felt movement. turning the hood around, she gasped.

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(Scene, An Room Within ye Strongehold of the Pyrate Lord O’Donnel.)

I guess the simplest explanation is i got the idea "what if shakespeare had written starfox/disney robin hood r34?" lodged in my head, and the only way to get it out was to make it real. (enter james mccloud, and wolf o'donnell.

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