Mask Of The Horned King - Chapter I

#1 of mask of the horned king the first story i upload here in sf, but certainly not the first i've ever written! it's a short introductory chapter to my noir/horror novella, mask of the horned king.

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A Long Awaited Birthday [STORY - M/M]

Noah may have been a noaia like him, horns and all, but he was one of the rare one in thirteen thousand albino noaia.

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Half Horny Fledgling

She gestured with atlas's broken horn. "this horn compared to your other _horn..._? not the other horn on your head." "i can't believe you would ask me that.

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Wolves' Legacy Chapter 1

The thing that really took lilac's attention was the horns, but she dismissed them as decorations. this wolf had many piercings; especially its ear had a rod-like piercing with each end on the back of the wolves' ears.

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To Your Grave

There, underneath the fabric, hidden in a tussle of white, woolen hair, was a pair of enormous, curved goat horns.             "cuz that boy - was me!"

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Splintered Light, Ch 10.1: Second Place Is...

Willem actually did smile a little when rolf, not dissuaded by the objection, grabbed his brother and pushed his fist against the other prong horn's head, rubbing it vigorously.

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Best Bros Don't Need Hoes

Quentin gave a small knicker while a heat flushed his cheeks, and he adjusted his posture before placing a timid hand on top of keith's head to feel the hardness of his horns on the tips of his fingers.

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The Satyr Sauna

Tiny beads of blood appeared as uly's horns burst forth from his head, the nubs of a faun... but having sired his first satyr, riley's horns grew longer, curving back along the top of his head. he shuddered, feeling even more powerful.

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To Your Grave

All horned and goaty and ugly." "that's awful." "aye, boy, aye.

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Splintered Light, Ch 1.1: As the Sun Rises

The bosun shook his horned head. "i don't like it, sir. we have just over 14 weeks of supplies aboard.

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Tales from the Foxhole- Chapter 2

Tales from the Foxhole CHAPTER 2 "Oh god, why can't I be more organized?" Adam groaned out loud as he searched through his living room for a stray water bottle. The sound of a game controller's buttons being pressed could be heard in the...

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Splintered Light, Chapter 10.3, The Best Kept Secret

Schmidt, who were at the front of the barrel did so and it was all rolf could do to keep up with karl, who supported the majority of the artillery's weight beside the prong horn.

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