Friendly Love!

No, i don't mind, i--'' latios fumbled with his words as he levitated himself over. now that he focused on lucario, he realized how cute he appeared to him.

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Mortal Chaos

I can do some self-levitation too, you know! a quick jump, start to levitate, and go nuts with a spinning somersault slash! oh, i know i hit something that time! now, slow down the rotation and... there we go! a gentle landing.

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Through the Looking Glass: Chapter 6-C

The turquoise aura surrounded the robots again, and this time they were all sent levitating.

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Of Questions and Unwanted Answers

Says brighteye, scrambling to his hooves and levitating his casque towards his head. "brighteye. feverfew. hullo, seth."

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Woe to the Republic Part Three

Suddenly around the fox the wind picked up and blew around her as her hair began to flow widely and even levitated upwards as if it were energized and full of life.

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Button's Bi-Diellema

Sweetie belle smiled widely as she spread buttons legs and levitated the lube out of pound's hooves, she then proceeded to pour some out and gently levitated it towards his ass, she guided it inside his hole, making sure to get both the inside and outside

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Love Lost, Chapter 18a: Dismissals.

"so, if you'd picked, say, how those magnet levitation trains worked, you could've compared it to how gardevoir levitation gardevoirs worked, and i could've been your project partner instead of scarlet?"

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Chapter 1: Cielo's Secret Part 3

Letting out a soft sigh, luna levitated the kettle off the fire before the whistling became too loud; not that she worried about waking anypony, but simply because she disliked the high pitched whistle.

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Midwife Love!

Her belly had grown so much over the days that levitating herself off the ground became impossible for her to do, at least with her diminished levitation. as a result, latios took care of her needs as best as he could.

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Finding Family Chapter 2

Indy pointed to the stack of books and levitated one off the stack and into his hands. "as for being a soldier... well i'm not good at looking after kids, or at least i've never tried. but...

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My Little Pony; Friendship is Magic: Friends Beyond Magic

The journal lifted and slid up from his pillow and slowly levitated over to twilight.

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