Hammer Blow

The lynx suggested. cog winked and stepped closer now, his own bushy tail flicking busily as he grabbed the front of the lynx's t-shirt and gave it a small tug.

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The hyena pulled the lynx's arm around her side, and made some sort of sound. grumbling or grunting, something hyena. the lynx sat mostly vertical, stolid. "lisa," the hyena said. the lynx huffed. "see that guy down there? he's shirtless.

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Migratory Birds- Chapter 6- Nightforest

Her punch hit the lynx totally in surprise and the power that she had released from within herself was enough to hurl the lynx outside the hollow.

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Just looking at haru's pleasured expression made the lynx chuckle.

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Migratory Birds- Chapter 5- Foliage (Part2)

Sheela seemed to be staggering at least it seemed that way to the lynx who observed her as he could see her despite the darkness because of his lynx eyes.

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traditional and opportune gifts

Jess picked up the lynx's knife, then the lynx, tossed the cat against the wall, pinned him from behind, and put the knife to his throat. with his free hand he pushed down his pants, then the lynx's.

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On the Prowl

The lynx's dark eyes glittered with amusement as he spoke, each word cutting down the airs that allen had as the fox quickly saw he wouldn't be in control if he played with this lynx.

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The Sorcerer's Apprentice (commission for Kingpanther)

"milo,"the lynx answered, as he picked all his materials and started walking towards the door. "remember you can have the room just until night, boy!" the fox's voice sounded as if he had already lost all hope that the lynx would listen to him.

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She was trying to be business-like, but the lynx could see the uncertainty shaking her. the lynx brought her hands to her temples, rubbing insistently. she had a hard time focusing and she had a strange taste in her mouth...

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Heat of the Snow

Jake looked over at the lynx and smile as he looked over the lynx in just underwear, as she tossed her one pair of clothes back on.

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