Keith 'n' Matt: A Certain Street

#1 of keith 'n' matt _another story from me... with depth! it's gonna be a series. warning: this story contains sex between under-age boys and adults. everybody who can't stand that, turn away. grammar and spelling mistakes are all yours!

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Paintball 'n' Yiff: Tributory beginnings

Paintball 'n' yiff tribulatory beginnings. nero pounded the ground with his feet as he ran from the starting string to the snake.

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Rough n Rugged: Chapter 3

Chapter 3As I lay undercover, in a bush, I can hear the sound of guns in the distance, two days into my escape from what I can only describe as Hell. My body is weak and covered in sores; my jaws have a ring of infection and pus where a shackle had...

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Rough n Rugged: Chapter 2

#2 of rough n rugged richard the alligator is struggling with his past, as memories of war and pain suddenly come back to haunt him. will he be able to cope with and come to terms with the past, or will it tear him apart and leave him ruined?

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Rough n Rugged: Chapter 1

#1 of rough n rugged richard the alligator is struggling with his past, as memories of war and pain suddenly come back to haunt him. will he be able to cope with and come to terms with the past, or will it tear him apart and leave him ruined?

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La ideación de personajes

El lobo sã³lo sonriã³ reconociendo que en esa ocasiã³n fã©lix tenã­a razã³n. â€"â¿te sirvo algo? â€"pregunta al reciã©n llegado. â€"un vaso de leche, si es que tienes. â€"responde este. â€"â¿leche? un vaso de vino es lo que necesitas.

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Sex and Drakes and Rock 'n Roll

The sun burned hot and electric at sunrise. Somewhere calls to prayer were sounding and a thousand cheap radios blared pirated rock. A vixen hung slumped over a windowsill, fur bleeding and torn in patches, naked and staring at the landscape in dull...

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Flowers n Fun (AoStH) (INCOMPLETE!)

**BEHOLD!** THE VERY FIRST AoStH PORN FANFIC EVER! ENJOY! **_NOTICE: I DON'T OWN AoStH (Adventures of Sonic the hedgehog! nor am i associsated with any of its offical works! i am just a fan! an enthusiast! NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGMENT...

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Charles n Tyler Part 1

Charles quietly watched him for a while, hidden from view by the corner of the shower area. Although people affected by his condition were rarely discriminated against in polite society, they were discouraged from changing and showering at the same...

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Charles n Tyler Part 2

It wasn't long before Tyler bumped into Charles again, both of them ending up waiting in line at the cafeteria. Tyler smiled nervously at Charles, a lot of the relaxed feeling having been washed away by time, and such a public setting. Charles smiled...

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Charles n Tyler Part 2

It wasn't long before Tyler bumped into Charles again, both of them ending up waiting in line at the cafeteria. Tyler smiled nervously at Charles, a lot of the relaxed feeling having been washed away by time, and such a public setting. Charles smiled...

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