Choice(Balance)-Arc 1"Beginning" part 13

They reached Kyle's house and straight to Kyle's room.Kyle immediatly gets on his computer and starts typing.He pulls up a picture of a tall demonic man with a cape and horns. "Is that Lucifer?" Kay asks.Kyle nodds. "Yeah.It says here that he's...

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Dark Destiny - Prologue

Dark Destiny 0 Darkness...that's all I can see, darkness going on and endless abyss, but I feel suspended like I'm not on the ground nor is anything holding me... ''Hello?'' I call out ''Mother? Father?...

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TLOS legend of the black dragon chapter 17 childhood memories

Inside she was just a desperate little hatchling and she wanted to be with her parent to protect and nurture her. a hatchling like her could burry herself into such a large adult with ease.

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MoonLight Nights.

I walked slowly through the thick forest trees with my head hung low and ears perked forward in a dominant gesture, i sighed heavily. I was a lone wolf with no pack nor mate or any other friend or family member, though i prefer to be alone while...

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Chapter 3-The Awakening

That strange i don't have his foster parent's number or address in here. all i have is his parents name suzy and troy lawler. can you tell me what the number and address to his foster parents is?"

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Matteus Chapter 4 "1/1313"

After i got home from the river's house, i discovered out that my parents had gotten home from work early and were waiting for me in the front room when i got home. i was so happy that they weren't angry with me.

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Chapter 5 - Nightfall

Why couldn't my parents just leave each other alone so that i wouldn't be born?

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Open Minded Family

Well, tomorrow he would visit his parents earlier and then he could play his mother for a longer time.** ** ** ** ** ** ** **the end.** ** **

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The Untold Story of a Hunter - extra large poem

Imagine a land of sand and dirt, With scattered trees and ferns. Small rivers and ponds litter the land And feed the life that thrives here. From the smallest of mammals to the largest of dinosaurs, The root of life is all around. Many dinosaurs...

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A Colorful Life Story - poetic story

I never saw my parents again. my depression worsened throughout high school. i was a friendless outcast. my history was no secret. due to this, i gave myself a last name, star. i became my own leader and the name fits.

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First Monnight Experience

Florian felt so lost and with his parents being out, he had no one to go to comfort him.

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Kayla: Injustice

A penitatas - was a prisoner to their parents. lory, the parent he had adored, would spank him again and again. the searing ache flowing through his exhausted body was not going to be the last.

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