Maria The Wolf #1

For the rest of the period, they both talked off and on between notes, mentioning family, experiences, and how boring this period was. the bell rang, symbolizing the end of the period.

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A change in pace 2

I decided, by the end of the period, that i would just play it by ear. as far as i was conserned, nothing could go wrong that day.

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A delicious lunch

Lunch was two periods away and bryan could not wait. \*\*\* the bell rang for the end of forth period and bryan rushed to the cafeteria, walking in and scanning the four corners of the room.

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The voice of reason - Ch 23 - Turn up the heat...

Those were the heat periods before we broke up. but ever since we got together again, the two of us haven't had a heat period. so what would happen if the two of us were having a heat period simultaneously...? exactly... i didn't know.

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That Day

Then, he was off to second period. period 2- 8:50 am- gym after tyler changed, he went outside with the coach to play basketball with his friends.

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The Disobedient Lion, Chapter 2: Monday Morning

Second period was no better, but i at least started to relax near the end. no one had looked at me weird or said anything, so maybe, just maybe, i was in the clear.

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{Tfun}'s first day at school

His second period class was gym class, which he wasn't looking forward to, (he's not athletic at all, and he hates sports.)


The Vixen that changed my life: 3

It read: _if you are reading this, on the next exercise period go to the rowing machine room. from there my group will attempt to set you free. you will be given safety and comfort, for only some small information.

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Chapter 1

Thank god there was a sub today, so he spent the period making out with his girlfriend instead of studying. when the bell rang i hurried off to my next class before he could do anything to me.

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Troubled Together - Pt I

Brolin couldn't focus through his second period calculus class, wondering what he could say to tirko. in time, a beautiful speech came to mind, he was sure. all he had to do was find tirko, with whom he shared third period.

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Running through my mind 2

The sea weasel's last period of the day was gym, which made the mess inside of his stomach turn over.

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i pod love part 3

First period ended and he headed off to his next class, barely registering the people he passed in the hall.