The Lizard and The Werewolf

As alphys gulps down fresh air, you ponder what to do with the small yellow pickle that came with the onigiri. you don't like pickles. since the two of you have finished your appetizes, the uncomfortable silence settles in again.

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Kyle: Confessions of a Confused Mutt

The pickles should come in a few." mason's licked his black lips. "i'm getting excited." "i think someone was getting excited over you." "ironic, isn't it?

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Spongebob Squaremaid

The bun is filled with juicy meat, lettuce, fresh, crisp tomato, cheese, condiments, and to top it all off... extra pickles.

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Tango's Parents Chapter 3

"it has pickles. i asked that the pickles be removed. fix it." she tosses the bag at him. "how ab-!!!!" he begins to shout but blu was prepared for this situation. she grips his snout closed and drags him aside. "hey! stop!

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Dire Situations - Chapter 1

I walked into the kitchen and dropped the baked goods on the table and went straight for the fridge. 2 packages of beef wieners, a 1l carton of milk, a jar of pickles, cheese slices, and a box of go-gurts present themselves to me.

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Bear it All

"or as they put it," he plucked up the copy of the receipt, "bacon cheeseburger with extra pickle. salad with _extra cream_. brownie swirl milkshake. they'll probably tip well though." her muzzle wrinkled, "bacon cheeseburger with extra pickle?"

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The Kitsune Diaries #2 - A New Friend

As i watch, his eyes light up, and he says, in the voice of a small and excited child, "chicken and pickles?" as he says this, he holds his huge paws up to his face, right underneath his muzzle.

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A Man After Midnight

She didn't like the smell of pickled herring all over the place." my nosepad wrinkled automatically at the thought of raw fish. "pickled herring?"

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Chapter 2: Michelle's Special Game

When robyn was done with that item, michelle put it away and before pulling out a pickle. watching robyn's face pucker up as she began to suckle on the pickle was priceless.

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Filling My Brother Ch. 4

I'll make sandwiches later" "do we have any pickles?" he added. now that got my attention. i actually sat up a bit, and gave him a questioning look. "what? you hate pickles."

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Lightning - 5 - Friends in Low Places

He reached under the counter and withdrew one of the large jars of pickled items, then took out a metal tin and put a scoop of the contents into it. it looked, and smelled, profoundly fermented.

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Lightning - 5 - Friends in Low Places

He reached under the counter and withdrew one of the large jars of pickled items, then took out a metal tin and put a scoop of the contents into it. it looked, and smelled, profoundly fermented.

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