
rin grinned. zoe liked back massages to end in a very particular way. "is that with or without a happy ending?" "mm, well-" zoe paused to gently nip at rin's ear. "why don't we start with the massage and see?"

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Rin and Seri, (plus qu') inseparable

rin la laissa faire, mais plus elle s'agitait contre une certaine partie de son anatomie, plus rin sentit un besoin monter dans son fourreau. il lui lécha la tête avec amour, pour la réveiller.

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//?A Curious Sergal: Part 9.001

rin just snorted at this. "i'm just saying that loki char-" fwoosh! a jet black shadow leaped from the wall above them and landed on rin.

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Black Swan: When Water And Sand Meet.

Miko took rin and jumped out the window,just when you thougth he would fall to his death a cloud of sand appeared out of no where and broke his fall. "you can bend sand shouted rin"?

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The Moonweaver Chronicles part 20

She stared at rin. she knew that rin wanted her to stop for other reasons. she tensed slightly and seemed to be about to swat rin away but seemed to think better of it.

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A Perfect Slave Part IV

rin answered, looking a little worried. ashley sighed, "rin, you know you're not allowed in there," her voice was strict, though she made sure not to sound too cross.

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Our Kind Just Don't Get Along: The Locket

Werand knew better then to look at rin when he answered knowing she would just rope him into it anyways, "we are low on money as it is rin" he sighed. "but i suppose one night wouldn't hurt" he said as he looked at her.

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Chapter 1: First Meeting

"say, rin. how about lunch tomorrow? or somethin' like that." all he got from rin was a nod and smile, and in that moment rukai pulled out a piece of paper from his jacket pocket, a card somewhat, and handed it to rin.

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Electro Love Pt 2

Len stared at his phone intensely, not even letting his sister, rin, draw his attention away. "len-kun!" rin called from the kitchen. len ignored her call. \*it mustn't be too important.\* len thought. "banana-nut muffins!!" rin called again to len.

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Love and Pain chapters 9&10

rin wasn't fazed at all. if you are going die with him that is fine with me. mira knew she wouldn't survive a second blast and because rin was a seven tail mira no match for her. rin was about to launch another attack when a third kitsune appeared.

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Chapter 1: First Meeting

"say, rin. how about lunch tomorrow? or somethin' like that." all he got from rin was a nod and smile, and in that moment noreu pulled out a piece of paper from his jacket pocket, a card somewhat, and handed it to rin.

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