The Party

Once inside the saftey of the limo, alison broke down and finally began crying, giving release to the pent up tears that she hadn't been able to bring herself to inside, under the eyes of all those people who had hated and despised her for not being human.

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By A Hare

Triggers on both contolls fired the weapons when you pressed the saftey buttons simotaniously. piloting the ship was relaly a piece of cake. fox turned on his green scouter which fit over his left eye, giving everything a slight greenish tint to it.

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DASH-X Part 1: Complete Season

Quickly he racked the fourth blank from the chamber, turning the .45 back into a far deadlier weapon than it was, and reengaged the saftey. "looks like our guy has a flare for the dramatic."

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Lyx - Dead Sea

Slamming it back into place, he double-checked the slide and the hammer, set the saftey on, then put it back in its holster. he trusted the twins far less than they thought he did and wasn't planning on letting them try to take advantage of him.

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Learning The Ropes

saftey reasons, he thought. the last thing one of the wrestlers wanted was to get impaled on this guy's horns. after the huge bull had entered the ring, the referee checked him for any foreign objects.

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Erika - Out of Nothing

The door to saftey is shut. chapter 7 the team moved more slowly down the corridors, this whole place was a ghost ship. cassandra made heavy sounds on the gridwalk with her long black boots.


Kioga: A Well-Needed Change

Thirty big disposable, wearable saftey-pads to soak up all the drippings and droppings coming from him. "i remember how he did it; masterclass in malicious pranks. i was in the middle of a stilted card game.

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The Legend of Spyro: Shadow of the Warrior

They have been forced to evacuate to warfang by the looks of it, as it is the nearest place of saftey. we can mark avalar off our list." drome then grabbed the dagger and lifted it off of the map.

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