Seekers Tale Part 44

#45 of seekers tale part 44 as the sound of rushing wind and howls of pain fills my ears i open my eyes to see shadow still clutching his head in agony.

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Blood Red: Chapter Eleven: The Dangerous Half-Dozen

As the enforcers began hitting us seekers harder and harder, some of us decided to hang it all up and live a quieter life.

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Skylands: the Scorpion Spear, Part Two - “Talvali”, Chapter Twelve: Fragments and Perspectives

To have their craftsmanship applied to the repair of the seeker was a boon and blessing. the fee was reasonable, too ... at least to bennet's thinking. they had been impressed by the runic incantations the thaylene had scribed into the seeker's sails.

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Seekers Tale Part 16

I have a theory about why seeker is seeing them and he agrees with me. we think that the auras are telling him..."

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Seekers Tale part 4

"i don't know what to say seeker, no one has ever showed me affection like that before." he looks down at his feet.

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Seekers Tale Part 5

"i love you to seeker, my alpha, my mate." he then lays his head on my shoulder and we watch the last flames of the fire flicker and die down. before the last flame dies he is sound asleep and snoring softly.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VIII Chapter 11

The seeker implied what she feared the most, she loved her faith though, she loved it still. she couldn't have cast the ancestors away. "you are mistaken seeker!

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Seekers Tale Part 30

When he reaches the door he stops and says, "seeker..." i look up at him and ask, "yes marcus?"

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Teaser: The Rules of Snugglebug

Kirby explained, "but only certain people choose to be seekers. and when you find a snugglebug, you have to join them in the hiding spot - and snuggle." "how do you win?" melissa wondered. andre spoke next.

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Little Drummer Dog (15)

seeker then takes out his phone and places a call to the studios of jacks and aces wild. "hello is this the studio of jacks and aces wild?" fiona gives the wolf the answer he was looking for.

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Confessions of a Dragon: Chapter 9

I reply, "guiding angel here, i have the seeker on the line. possible location of the blight. could be the action in progress. now flying directly there." gods, i hate all these codenames but all of it ted's doing.

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