A New Seat in Life

Just like this mostly because i had so many brothers and sisters so this setup is actually like home to me" he blushed after realizing what he said and dash leaned over and punched his arm playfully before kissing him 'i always thought your house was more

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MACHINE {Role-play: Pet}

"alright mrs kori, that completes the setup of your machine." spoke the computer, "would you like to take it for its' first run?" "well i suppose."

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Fast Lane Chapter 1: Preparations

"hey, draco, just finished installing a twin turbo setup on kc's ferrari. now he's pushing 817 horsepower and 794 foot pounds of torque. your brother is fucking nuts dude." he said as he hopped back in and drove into the paint booth.

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Slave Hunter, 5

I had to hand it to the young sergeant, in just one utterance we now knew that we are looking at a pretty secure setup and that there is another ten kids being held within the room, the guy who has hold of matt then unknowingly gives a little more of the setup

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Flush a Fuck Ch. 30 Flush-O-Ween Party 2016 Halloween Special 4/5

So while aleck worked to get the party all setup mark worked his fur into deep grey and extended it before putting on tight pants and a fake tail.

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Roen's Tale, Chapter 4

With this hut setup much like mine, i realize that it's the wall between the bath and kitchen, and find myself suddenly curious. walking into the bathroom, i find the tub's faucet lying in it.

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Task Force - Weapon Specs (revised)

Modifications by easterling arms **kh custom variable sniper rifle** manufacturer: easterling arms due to the innumerable variations available for this weapon i will list kirian's preferred setup.

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Little Grove

Then he began looking around and saw her things "wow talk about a nice setup" thinking to himself as he looked around seeing her search for something. "ah ha hear they are." millicent giving him a small targe and a shortsword "thank you mam."

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Gala Surprise

It was quite a nice kitchen that mechanica majestic had setup, with the newest and finest cooking and cleaning machines as well as...

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Campfire Stories Intro

I was somewhat surprised and glad how the cabin was setup, i had my own room for once having been raised together with my sister in a smaller house.

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Roommates and Something More

Paul chuckled, "well it does seem odd to me and with the small number of alien species that are reptile like i have trouble understanding how your setup."

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Ember Tails, ch3 (pt.1)

I don't want an agency as an intermediary for my interaction with the new parents like with semi-open adoption, and what i said earlier wasn't even the setup of a semi-open adoption anyway..."

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