The book part 4 locker room rump

The tiger pulled back on the sharpshooter hold causing the orca's face to light up in pain and he tapped out ending the match. everyone in the gym cheered along with oscar who loved the fight until he felt a tap on his shoulder.

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Death In The Holy Land: Pt. 3

The holed up sharpshooters thought that they had done a good job convincing the watching israelis that they hadn't entered the guard shack, but captain ben gurion had spotted them while they

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Dungeon of Forbidden Desires Part 2

As the sharpshooter of the group, he would be their spotter, and would know about dangers. he was also naturally suspicious, so it would be hard determining his secret desires. it was to isthak's surprise that alteron was secretly into bdsm.

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The Fox General: The Siege of Pest

Shuffling away, i crawled behind another, more stable shield and, squeezing between the two sharpshooters, i peered over the rim of the shield. standing atop the gate was a massive brown wolf about as large as a bear.

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Spyro the Colliding Worlds chapter four

He has a bow and quiver on his back and is a sharpshooter and devilishly sneaky. "so you know where cynthia is?" hunter asked. "yea, she is with my tribe." dairu answered. "tribe, you mean there is a living tribe of dragons?"

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The Snuffer tale III

'i guess he must be a sharpshooter in order to do this kind of death.' the rhino mused in his mind. timmy groaned as he felt the impact on his shoulder. he felt his warm blood slowly streaming from the wound down his brown feathers.

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Red Moon: Revolution Chapter 8

No one wanted to come out because it quickly became apparent that both sides had guns and both sides had their sharpshooters that picked off anyone who left the safety of their cover. it was now just a waiting game. "they can call us whatever they want.

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If i could sharpshoot as a bulbasaur, i can sure as hell thread a needle at two hundred feet as an ivysaur. i'm just... nervous, is all. say something comforting; i'm a pansy, i know."_ glen smirked.

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The World We Live In: Chapter 42

There's no way that's his lance, since jek's a sharpshooter, at least from the rumors. if it wasn't his, despite of the name, then there's only one conclusion.

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The Prince and the Gunslinger - Chapter 2

He did eventually earn a blue ribbon in sharpshooting." "i have his old rifle," braeburn said. "still fires, too.

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Ch 2 - Battle, Aftermath, Love Blossoms

This maneuvering went on for two hours, with each crew doing its best to sharpshoot the bridge windows of the enemy or to damage the enemy's airscrew enough to disable the other airship.

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Pushing Forward, New Clues

The remainder ran forward at the speed of light and attempted to tackle the rovers, but were taken down quickly by their sharpshooting skills. "push through! let's find a way out of here!" keith ordered, signaling with his right hand.

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