Siblings part two

Tanos woke with a throbbing headache, as he shook himself awake the events of the previous night flooded into his head "oh damn" he turned to see his sister Keirra cuddling up with him. "Oh hell what the fuck did we do" he looked at the rather sticky...

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The Blessing of Siblings (Incomplete!)

I looked up to where I thought was the source of the voice that had been buzzing around in my ears. "Gore....Gore! Are you okay!?" All I could see was this enormous, cloudy haze that seemed to move and swirl in on itself. My insides felt like they...

Sibling Visit p2

#2 of sibling visit part two of the "short" story i wrote for my bunny's amusement. of course, pleasing her, just excites me so i just kept writing and writing and writing. and of course, her naughty pics didn't really help.

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Sibling Visit p1

#1 of sibling visit well this was a short story that i wrote for my bunny, but of course with her being so insatiable for my writing, she wanted more. so there's more parts to this. hehe.

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Sibling bond 7

Katie laid down in the thick bush. Her gullie suit kept her hidded perfectly. A large green silencer poked out from the bush. Katie peaked through the powerful scope and scanned the building, she cocked the gun and the large bullet clanked into place...

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Sibling Bond 6

Katie grunted as she fell to the ground from the tree. She winced as she held her leg, she panted in pain but kept quiet. She looked up to see kaze, hanging upside down still unconsious from the bioenhancers.She sighed as she moved to the base of the...

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The Siblings of Chaos: Prologue

#2 of the siblings of chaos the sun was shining brightly over ponyville, casting its golden light over everything it saw. the sound of hooves on stone was in the air as the ponies went about their daily business.

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Siblings of Chaos Teaser

#1 of the siblings of chaos i know its really short, but sofurry was down for a few minutes, so i decided to start on ... i know its really short, but sofurry was down for a few minutes, so i decided to start on a fanfic that my sister requested.

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Sibling bond 3

Wind blew past Kaze's ears, he watched as the floors flew by him like a blur. His fur ruffling in the wind, he was falling freely. He smiled as he then reached out and grabbed a wire, with the full weight comming down on it. It broke, electricity...

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Commission: Eeveelution Siblings

She panted as she watched her siblings go at it. "i told you to cum in me, damn it! now! i'm almost there!" luna screamed in rage, turning to glare at milo.

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Closer Than Siblings

And he found that he no longer cared that they were siblings - that she was his innocent little sister - for he loved her all the same.

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