Star Fox Lost Adventures: Tinted

In crimson's hands the board felt like the weight of a snowboard. crimson then put it on the ground and stood on top of it. it just stayed there and did not float or anything. crimson then felt his phone ring.


Orientation Day Chapter 1

The girl responded very simply, "i like music, i am a little more on the outdoorsy side, usually skiing and snowboarding." mint smiled. "well i do like music, i'm outside more often than not.

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Tales of Redstreak Chapter 6

"and you are chatkat coaldust, child of snowboard and nightsky?" coal nods and then the guard looks down at sandy. "and who's this?" "i'm chakat sandrock, child of coaldust and redstreak."

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Rocky Mountain Times (Chapter 2)

Two snowboarders were starring at them as sam and jen approached the bus stop. sam gave jen a mischievous smile, as if to say "watch this."

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Foreign Love Part 1

It wasn't a large city like new york or chicago but it was big enough to get some tourists when the leaves changed and snow covered the mountains enough for skiers and snowboarders.

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Code Drop: Powder Hounds - An Official Heat Teaser

Half the dancers still wore their snowboarding and ski boots, so they really just sort of swayed in time. the golden's mouth curled in a smile. "i like it here." "what's to like?"

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Revelations - Chapter 4: Dark Secrets

Alex had taken hard falls while snowboarding before, and doubtless would again. raenne looked out the office window back into the dojo.

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The Howl in the Night-Chapter 2

Asked david as he detached his snowboard from his bag. jacob nodded while he sat his bag down on his bed, "yeah, we don't know how to ski well, so we're going over to the beginner's slops."

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American Mustelid Alpha - The Cast (Part 2/3)

When he is not working or training with his crew of friends, this mohawked loudmouth can be found motocross riding, snowboarding on the rockies or playing with his potbellied pigs.

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Avalanche of Love - Episode 3

Raul gave a laugh and stepped over to the third-place spot, as in snowboarding if the top spot is tied, there are two gold medals awarded but no silver.

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