Hypnovember 2023 - Aurora

I'll be posting my hypnovember stories rather sporadically throughout the month, but patrons get to read all the stories as they're completed!

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Hypnovember 2023 - Soft

I'll be posting the hypnovember stories rather sporadically throughout the month, but patrons get to read all the stories as they're completed!

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Hypnovember 2023 - Whisper

I'll be posting the hypnovember stories rather sporadically throughout the month, but patrons get to read all the stories as they're completed!

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Hypnovember 2023 - Entertainment

I'll be posting my hypnovember stories rather sporadically throughout the month, but patrons get to read all the stories as they're completed!

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Capture and Escape

Darius' thrusts became more powerful and sporadic as his member began twitching inside the tight cavity. seria reached up and gently grasped his balls with a free claw and rolled the large orbs around.

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Venomous Bite

Every moan she gave was accompanied by a hiss or grunt from the seviper as her passage's clenching became more sporadic and eventually stopped.

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Chapter 2

She began to hyperventilate as her panic got the better of her, her body refusing to take in more than sporadic inhalation's. "breathe!" osiris chirped fearfully, nuzzling her neck to try and comfort her. "it's okay, it's okay." she couldn't.

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A Royal Bond: Chapter II

Riga could not contain himself anymore, and moaned uncontrollably, his face red and his breaths sporadic and hot. sijin pushed inside until he felt his massive load of cum paint riga's walls, shooting inside.

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Summer Daze (revised)

Approaching his head, he sporadically jumped up..... "ooga booga!!!"

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A Wolf in the Dark

I turned from my side to my stomach and burried my muzzle in my pillow as i shook with sporadic sobs. my mind was stuck like a broken record. i couldn't find a way to solve my problems, which only fueled my despair.

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He inquires sporadically. "sure, why not?" he hands me his bottle of smirnoff ice and picks up his katana from the holder on the wall. i stiffen slightly and my sapphire eyes watch his movements carefully.

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Obsession of the Blue Queen and the Red Prince

Huffing sporadically, he screamed when the impossible happened. the sheets on his bed pulled themselves from beneath him and wrapped around his wrists, tightly tying him to the wooden head board, leaving him tied and terrified.

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