Monster May 2020 Stories: Days 17-31

The room grew dark once more, the only spotlight left shone of the minotaur, a slight cloud of vapor rising from the furred man.

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Break A Leg Chapter One

Then the spotlight faded out along with the solo and went over to the left side of the stage over the bassist.

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Rouge's Colosseum 13

spotlights flicker on, pointing down to the three arrivals and leading them to temporary chairs set up for the viewing pleasure at the edge of the massive arena.

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Grad-Bash Part 3

But that day every eye was on me, and it wasn't the spotlight effect that i learned about in psychology class.

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Discourse in the discord

The spotlights highlighted a red dragon who stood proudly in the center of the arena.

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But first, let's get that spotlight out of the way. i think we're done with the whole stranger in the dark thing." turning around, he walks to the spotlight and reaches for a switch, turning it off. everything goes dark.

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Rexville 20: Halloween Night Part 1

A ferret-girl wearing a beautiful red evening-gown walked in a sexy manner into the middle clearing where a beaming spotlight shone.

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Make Love the WereFox Way

Al liked the smaller fox being scared of him and let the were talk about the unused spotlight. kevin had run a spotlight at his high school parties, and asked to try this one.

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Shop 1

Arya's true face revealed, she runs her hands over her scaled features, her tongue flickering out, just smelling the scent of excitement in the air and basking in the warmth of the spotlight.

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Punishment Game: Prologue

A spotlight shone down on exim. "exim seventeen year old vagabond and runaway." the light moved to the female feline. "mary seventeen year old student and prostitute." the feline turned bright red as the others looked at her.

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The Night Life

The spotlights clicked on, bathing the beautiful black stage in light. they shifted to the curtains, where movement caused hearts to race and heads to spin with questions. who would it be this time? what kind of show would they do?

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Lonely Oak Chapter 65

Aside from several spotlights shining in the center, their way was pitch-black. thankfully, they were met by an attendant with a flashlight shortly after they entered.

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