Anthro Sex Squad Story 2 - Winfred's Story; Chapter 10

With precision born of countless nocturnal rapes and thievery, the snake made his way to silently become their shadows.

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Arson's Master

His shoulders hurt and so did his claws, but he would never eat if he didn't accomplish his thievery. his small paw clapped the top of the building, just barely the cub vaulted over the edge, landing with a thud on the concrete roof.

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Incorrigible Through and Through

"and i suppose you wished her the best of luck and left her there to take the rap for your thievery?"                 "you cuts me to the quick, ya does! i did me best to free her.

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Credo of Theives, Part 1

How will it feel, to die having failed in your last act of thievery?_**" for a moment, he found himself speechless.

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The Fellowship of the Fluff

The vault was a cave system under allison's woodland den, an echoing expanse dotted with twinkling trinkets, shimmering shinies and mesmerising mathoms collected over many years of thievery and adventure. there were hoarders and then there was allison. 

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Break, or How I Became A Superhero

A short crime-spree later and she moved north-west, blazing a trail across the u.s. to san francisco where their own resident hero, oceanus, failed completely to stop her thievery, though not for lack of trying.

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Thief's Bane

The book that he'd been sent to steal, that is, "it's you who has to pay for your thievery." "so interpol is behind all this?" sly asked with a bit of a smirk.

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Rebirth ch22

At the last possible moment, before the boy could escape and try and get away with his little thievery, i used my psychic abilities and lifted him off the ground. 'now why would i do that?

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Secret Agent Bolt.

On the battlefield, she was mittens, super spy skilled in recon and thievery. but here, she was susie, the well to do feline from new york.

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[Commission] Thievery: The Ruins of Expansion; or the criminal teacher and her flaming butt

He was practically asking to get vandalized with his big city house arrangements and his swanking villa, and his job thievery. really, now. what did he have, that cheerilee didn't? but it wasn't his fault. not entirely anyway.

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The Dark blog #1: What does Sofawolf look for in a story?

He is skilled, flirtatious, agile, manipulative, and more than a little bit full of himself, and at the same time he has started to grow severe concerns about his chosen profession of thievery.

Stacy: The New Dog on the Block

That's thievery right there, he thought. but with no other choice, brian pulled out his wallet, and handed mr. plucker the cash. _goodbye_ red dead redemption, he thought. _now i have to wait till next week's paycheck to get the game._ mr.

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