Guns of Legend: Chapter Six

Gargoyles don't take well to folks trespassing on their territory, but they'll always ask them why they're there before killing them.  they consider it the honorable way to kill trespassers."

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The Founding of Tiranis, Part 2 (an Excerpt)

I don't want trouble, but i'm not going to tolerate trespassers."

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A Pride Usurped

He reigned over the land now, and any new trespassers were brought to him by his lionesses. he stuffed all of the trespassers down his cock, absorbing their vitality so that he could rule for eternity.

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Brothers in the Flesh (Original Version

"dare you to trespass on my land and you too will join them and lose everything you have short of your memories."

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[COM-10] Brood Hen From Another Flock

"this is my territory, my land, and you are trespassing upon it. i would not be a very dominant or commanding leader of this region if i did not punish you accordingly."

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The Fastest

He might be a friend, but she couldn't let him get away with trespassing and hunting her domain without permission.

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Full Circle - Part 6

Currently you are facing kidnapping, assault, trespassing on a crime scene, and assault on an officer." it's a long list, but andy knows it's what he did. "you are probably looking at a couple of years.

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Minotaur’s CBT

His task was to guard the treasures and eat any trespassers. if there were no trespassers to eat, the king would throw a prisoner into the maze; and then temaruk would find the prisoner and eat him.

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Havana or Hell, part six

I was getting nowhere and i was trespassing without a warrant. i was overcome by a sudden flash of nausea and my vision dimmed. _another episode,_ i realized, this time with some disinterest.

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Therian's - A Case Study - Part one - Odocoileus virginianus (Whitetail Deer)

They know their preferred forest homelands intimately, often remaining in their feral like forms so as to watch those who trespass and judge them according to their actions.

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The Springs (Husky Mermaid TF/TG) [TRADE]

However, unlike kyle it was below the water, simply watching the trespasser. he was pondering what he could possible do with him. turn him into a fish? nah, that'd be a bit too cruel. he probably wouldn't last long as one.

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Fox Hunt 2

Or maybe the trespasser wasn't even involved with alice. she could have run across the ruts too, tripped and dropped her vial.

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