Vengeance Sought

The work of the warrior and mage now dead in the vault she suspected. it seemed they were more powerful than they had seemed in the vault.

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The Gathering of Heroes (A1, B11, C5)

He opened the vault door and gestured for james to step inside. conner turned on the lights, stepped into the vault and closed the large, thick door behind himself. the vault thudded shut and clicked. the door locked.

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QCP: NS-03 Graduate Level Mission

Yok mauk will be taken inside the bank vault where he will stand guard inside the vault itself. heaven help anyone who tries to rob the vault while he and his pardonable hoof is in there.

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Starfire the Lone Courier....Prologue

He doesn't know much of his past growing up in a underground vault, vault 110. all he remembers when he was young, about 8 or 9, the vault was attacked by raiders that were trying to trade but they betrayed everyone and killed the vault leader.

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Scars Ch. 4

The entire building shakes as the vault door explodes. the robbers rush back and run into the vault. the robbers suddenly take out trash bags and start putting stacks of money into the bags.

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The Bank Job (Dominator Series #3)

For the moment, his scans alerted him to noises from the bank vault. heph crept forward, silently vaulting a broken teller box, and slipped around the side of the vault door. it had been ripped from the wall by its hinges.

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Crashing Down - CH1

When the time was right, he launched himself up, used a chimney to vault across the street, and settled on a balcony with a clang.

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Warmth in the Arctic: 13 (Patreon Platinum)

"we will be returning with the vault. we've got a plan laid out, we're less than a day away from the airport and the vault's medical contents are in danger of being destroyed by the weather, so we're on a time crunch.

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Kyle Sparks, Chapter 6

"i've heard the fangs and thralls whispering about taking the vault from the inside and out. they plan on freeing victor and then fighting into the vault to meet him if the rumors are true.

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