La Cucaracha

We took leave of mankind's petty jealousies and we took to our own wisdom."


Seth's Revenge - Chapter Three

"i come begging your wisdom, lord toth - " anubis ground out, as he sank to one knee before toth, bowing his head in homage and servitude. toth's feathered eyebrows rose slowly.

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The First World

They would rather destroy than to see reason and thus the world was cut off never to be seen by any organisms but those who are not cut off from the truth and the wisdom behind it.


Tauren Tale, Chapter 5

Tell me if you will, where tauren keep their wisdom." ah, finally a question that she could understand. "well, in our spleens, of course," she explained. sanja was perfectly serious.

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From the Journal of Blayze EmberScales (Prologue)

In order to achieve this honor, a raptor must prove that he or she either cannot be accurately described by an ancestor's name, or that they have surpassed their predecessor in skill, knowledge, or wisdom.

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Chapter 16 - Mortality

"anthromorphia have neither the advanced brains or wisdom needed to perceive the true nature of the universe. "however a scientist, leviticus..." continued odin while staring at everyone in the room.

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My little Pony: Guardians of Equestria pt.3

Celestia was teaching him about the human's history; mostly that of nova, courage and wisdom.

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The personal files Frank Timpson #2

**those hands i know,** **now take from me my soul,** **i wish to scream...** wisdom and nobility fade, replaced by death and horror, ** ** **his hands seize me,** **as he rips from me a howl of joy.** **he loves me.** **by rena benden** **&

The Mayonian Pack- Chapter 4

You bring wisdom wherever you go, and wisdom is what i need right now." i said. pausing i added, "steel... it is a honor to have you here. welcome to the mayonian pack!"

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Bound by Destiny 11

I normally do not seek your wisdom, but this time i am asking for it. please, what should i do?"

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Bound by Destiny 11

I normally do not seek your wisdom, but this time i am asking for it. please, what should i do?"

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