In case of emergency

The gorgeous vistas and soft white noise were supposed to keep them distracted from the monotony of faster-than-light travel. distracted, and sane. like david, dr. beltran enjoyed planets, but there was work to be done.

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Spider-Man: Tangled Web - 01 - The Distance Between Us

After years of what had felt like stagnation in methods of transport, lofty news articles had begun to spring up over the potential of faster than light travel.

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Rogue's Redemption Ch. 1

While in subspace, faster-than-light travel was possible along certain corridors between star-systems, which is what enabled the species of the galaxy to form their empires.

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For one, if there's no such thing as faster than light travel, and i'm pretty sure there isn't, then it would have taken them decades at least to get here from wherever they came from even if it was from one of the closest neighboring stars.


Without Mercy

Employing a concept similar to that used for starship faster-than-light travel, the conical slipstream fragmentation munition currently mounted to the equipment module of the slbm was a deadly feat of innovation and design.

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Among the Stars Ch. 1

Especially during faster-than-light travel, when the entire view was tinted blue. she felt like she was swimming in an ocean looking out through them, a feeling which she sorely missed when in space.

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The Ashryth And The Scourge: A Stellaris AAR

Their system of rule is oligarchic (which means they elect a new leader from a small pool of candidates every few decades), their primary weapons systems are kinetic projectiles and their vessels achieved faster-than-light travel through the use of wormholes

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10. My New Life-9-1

The ship itself separates into three distinct section, saucer, upper engineering and lower engineering; once separated, all three section become independent ship in their own right, each capable of both combat and ftl (faster-than-light) travel, primarily

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Vagabond (1)

As he finished speaking, the darkness around the cone of the ship began to... morph, for lack of a better word, as time and space were bent to accommodate faster than light travel.

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The console lights flashed, and the ship rushed forward, blasting off through space at faster than light travel, leaving argo ii and the grunikans behind... ~~~~~ colonel james noir sat quietly at his desk, reviewing the reports from the recent scouting

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Working Title: Bullfight

"things weren't so good for us either," mac recalls, looking at the window just past me, even though all it showed was an image of a starscape flitting by (an artificial projection, since faster-than-light travel is really just a big boring blur).

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