Joining The Pack

The females only looked with sadness, both genders knowing if they did anything to interfere, they would replace the fallen comrade. saddiyah couldn't take anymore. she ran outside, regretting that she took him here.

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The Creepy Fur- 01

There were 2 boys, of age 14 and 16, and a girl, only 8 years old. children always warmed my heart. such youth, innocence, the perfect life, really. so kind, nice... vulnerable.

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11th December

At the same moment her body also was shaken by another climax and her heat screamed to her that this was what it wanted but the girl only silently shed tears while her tongue flicked helpless around the big intruder and she felt the spurts of all three boys

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An Assassins Tale.. Chapter 12.

Seeing my expression he laughed "no lud - i am for females only - but this is part of your lesson." he then sat on his chair with his arms behind his back "tie my arms.. secure me..". and when i had done this he gave me a strange command.

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Morning Menu at Tiffany's

The girl only had to move her fuzzy hip a tiny bit to position herself perfectly, it surely wasn't her first time on top.

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On the Mating Habits of Dragons

Gouts of hot cum poured from their tightly entwined bodies as the male's seed flooded into the female only for much of its impossibly vast volume to overflow and be pushed back out again.

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Sex and Drakes and Rock 'n Roll

As she wept openly, a female only lightly filled with virile spunk eagerly dashed over and grabbed at the iguana's tail, bruising muscle and nearly tearing it off in her hurry to use it as a thick, endlessly widening dildo that slithered and shlucked between

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2. Resonance

I think i'll keep it female-only, at least for now. i just don't think that either of them is particularly interested in men._

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The Best Show Ever - Part One, Girls Kissing

The green woman only pressed her supple lips to the girl's, eyes shut, for what seemed like minutes. suddenly the girl's eyes shot open, and she began to struggle as if shocked. the green woman released her, and smiled.

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Once Bitten, Twice Shy

"have i told you that you're a beautiful woman?" "only all the time," i mumbled, rolling on top of him. i could see a mischievous glint in his eye, and he moved me so i was straddling him.

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Dead Reign: Bipolar (Part 1)

Being the only girl only served to make things that much worse. anyways, back to the story. the streets were still piled with the dead. in some places the bodies were literally stacked several feet deep.

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