Final Fantasy X-Treme Ch.12 The Path of Sin: Valefor

Disclaimer: 1 All Final fantasy characters and locations are the exclusive property of Square Enix and do not belong to me. Every thing else is me and my friends. **CH.**** 12 THE PATH OF SIN: VALEFOR** Six months. A lot can happen in that...

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The History Of Zato

(Once again, characters in this story copywrite me, demon dragons copwrite me, yadda yadda. How many people actually even read this? \>.=.\> ) Time began to rush by after the king had announced that Zato was to be...

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Darkness settles on the land as the sun descends beyond the horizon. A cool breeze dips and weaves its way through the trees. As the stars begin to appear, and as the night chill begins to bed down, a rip materializes under the harvest moon. Small at...

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The Fireborn: Cold as Hell

   September 26th, 2011    Three days passed before Fafnir and I felt that we had made the proper preparations for our delve into the dome. First we started by informing the Deputy Commissioner that we had found...

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Persistence is the Key

It was what appeared to be a half-dragon, her emerald-colored scales reflecting the glow of the fire. she stood at over six feet tall, dwarfing the rat who was gazing at her with slack-jawed amazement.

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Moonwhisper: part 2

As Tharivol leaves his tent he is met by his brother. "So, how was your first night back," he says with a smart ass voice. "Kurt, if I find out that you were watching I will kill you," he said seriously. ...

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Seekers: Chapter Twenty: The Archives

Location: Falsetto, KnightsTower, Archives Time: 18:25pm. Year: 2180, March 14th. We both burst into the large metal cube that made up the Archives; Me, Elise, against all the mechs that were in our way. They didn't stand a...

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Seekers: Chapter Nineteen: The Raid

Location: Falsetto Docks, The Cradle. Time: 15:30pm. Year: 2180, March 14th. We were both sitting quietly in the small living room, equipping a few weapons and tools. We needed all the advantages we could find if we wanted to raid this building. If...

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Seekers: Chapter Seventeen: Tension

Location: Wastelands. Closest City: Falsetto. Time: 13:05pm. Year: 2180, March 13th. It was torture; to be standing around expecting for something to happen. There's been no wind for around two days now, and I've resorted to sleeping late to make...

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Seekers: Chapter Fourteen: Uncovered History

I suspected that it must have had something to do with her being half-dragon. it was stupid to 'suspect' it; it was just pure genetics... after advancing down the thirteen staircases, we both ended up out of breath and completely exhausted.

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Seekers: Chapter Thirteen: Rosie

Location: Old Arpeggio Ruins. Time: 22:15pm. Year: 2180, March 10th. The Cradle had stopped right next to where we needed to go. It was clear to see that a building had actually fallen over, not collapsed. The roof had broken through the...

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Cage and Escape

This is a different perspective on my other story What We Soe. And I'm much happier with this one. So I will redo all the others (which shouldn't take to long) in a first person perspective. and i apologise for not updating as frequently as I should. ...

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