August In October

However the second half of it was much more memorable and i chewed over each frame, desperately trying to decipher any hidden meaning there in. i formed one and only conclusion at that time; i was just plain horny.

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Fertile Ground - Chapter 5

Being this close to the tree gave desire greater access to either of the teenager's thoughts uncovering hidden meanings behind their spoken words.

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The Lead Crown: Prewrite, Introducing Kesst

The young dragon questioned, feeling as if the inquisitor's comment held some hidden meaning he couldn't decipher. "you were the only dragon traveling in the caravan other than your mother." the inquisitor clarified.

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Busted on Broadway 2: Encore!

It was like something he'd have gotten assigned in english class and been told to try and find the hidden meanings in. he had to prove himself, though, so he nodded. "perfect! em, you'll take the other side here.

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The Victoria Chronicles - 13, The Sanctuary

She was careful to listen closely to what visalth said, trying to discern any hidden meaning to what she said, but also because she suspected that if visalth was saying it, it was because it was important. _"oh! and victoria?

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Another Day

Tom looked up from his food to see the female fox staring at him, a broad smile and a gleam in her eyes that suggested there was a hidden meaning to what had just been said. "uh... sure... whenever you want."

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Let Slip the Hounds of War: Part II

"i'll take that as a compliment 'my adonis'" _that word again she always says it like there is some kind of hidden meaning to it_. she is always nervous when i first take my shirt off, why is that?

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War of the Dragon - Chapter 16

The dread sky continued scathingly, and that time arcantos did not have to ponder any hidden meanings in his words. it was a clear warning, and one arcantos was swift to follow.

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Frostpaw - Chapter 11: Underwater

Regardless whether koi understood what he had said or not, ike seemed to catch the hidden meaning of those words. -alright -the lion murmured, a bit taciturn. however, he managed to give them a smile -. well, at least i'm glad to know you're alright.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 63

Both brothers stiffened, neither of them truly needed any eye contact to realize the hidden meaning behind the spoken words.

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A Beast Learns To Live - Chapter 12

"shari," he said and craned his neck to try and look deeper in her eyes for some hidden meaning. "why are you looking at me like that?" he asked sincerely. her grin slowly faded and she stopped kneading his arm. she twitched and her eyes widened.

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2628 (an Orr Family Story) CH 16

You were a spy so i guess everything has to have hidden meanings." he indicated theo's empty cup. "you want another one?" "yeah, thanks. i don't want to fall asleep until tonight." "want me to add a stimulant to it?"

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