Power Fur Rangers- Episode 1

Episode 1 "Day in The Toilet Pt. 1" By Furry Sith Lord Movin in like lightning, You never know what they're gonna throw at you, Don't give up! Just Stand Your Ground. The Fight is Tough, But We're Behind...

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The Fall of Hyper Hare

The Fall of Hyper Hare By Danath Terran Rex © Yiffyhusky Hyper Hare © BeachFox "Give up, Terran Rex!" the large hare shouted across the rooftop. "There's nowhere to run!" Hyper Hare hefted a chunk of masonry as large as a Beetle in his...

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Serpents and Supers

"a super villain as infamous as me on the front lines fighting with police and heroes while already you are struggling?" the snake mumbled. "such foolishness." "no, you're going to fight _for_ us." calamity said, crossing her arms.

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Training 4 Trouble

We expected him or shell at least not an ex-super villain and the martial arts madame."

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Super Hero draft

Flying through the air, Crystal enjoyed the quiet night of the grand city, savoring the cool air as it blew over her muzzle. It was a quiet night, and it let her think about what her husband wanted her to consider. She enjoyed being a super hero, and...

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Superhero Story: The Ice Queen vs The Ice Maker

The Ice Queen vs The Ice Maker for Studley by Draconicon "What a way to start the weekend." "Better than ending it the way we did with that shapeshifter, right?" Sheena slowly turned to look at the wolf behind her, slowly shaking her...

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Tales from Silicon City 15: Dark Omens

"and i say we still need to start drafting super villains first!" nocturn shot back, always the pragmatic one.

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Venomous Attraction

**Venomous Attraction** **By: BerserkerB** Being a supervillain is not all about the big super powered clashes, or the numerous bank robberies, or the high-priced thefts, or the murderous rampages, or even trying to take over the world. Although,...

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Aphrodite City 7: Rise of the Castigator

villains, reluctant female heroines, a horrible pornography that would make most heterosexual males ashamed of themselves.

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The Rise of Hypno Bear

The league carried on their superhero duties, fighting crime and stopping super-villains down on earth.

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A Series of Moments 7

'has anyone ever told you that you shouldn't taunt a super villain?' elmo shot back, turning to meet his lover's amused eyes. 'ex-super villain, and besides, i know your weakness,' the duck whispered, nipping at the rat's ear. 'oh really?'

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