Green Takeaway - Chocobotaur TFs

"I am so, SO glad that you were able to get here after all this time, ya know that?" John smiled as he sat down next to his friend, taking a sip from his Mountain Dew as he did so. "I was starting to think with how everything's been going, your trip...

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Hybrid Hijinks - Luxray/Staraptor Gryphon TF

"Thanks for coming to my birthday, man!" Alex grinned as he looked over at Peter - most of his friends were either online or unable to make it, so having someone there in the flesh made him incredibly happy and it showed on his face. Peter had...

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Unleashed Corruption - Shadow Lucario and Zoroark

"Remind me what we're looking for here? This old Pokécenter's been abandoned for decades now..." Alex looked over his shoulder at his friend Peter as the door to the old building was closed behind them in order to convince anyone looking that...

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Sharing the Corruption - Shadow Lucario TF

"Rrrrgghh... hrrrruuuff..." Hadou snarled, panting as he kicked aside what was left of his tattered clothes, smirking to himself. The powerful Shadow Lucario had once again broken free of his human guise, doing it in most bestial and lustful way...

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Better Breeding Boundries - Arcanine TF

"Damn it, how's that even possible?" Leo asked himself, walking along Route 117. "Two different daycares in two different regions, and neither of them were able to help me with my little problem!" He sighed, grabbing the Friend Ball he had attached to...

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A Dangerous Mishap - I-Rex TF

"Man... I REALLY don't think I'm getting paid enough to do this!" Peter chuckled, glancing over from his computer in order to check the progress being made on his latest task. Alongside an old friend of his, Eli, the two of them had been hired to...

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Moonlit Urges - Werewolf TF

"Thanks for coming to spend some time with me tonight, man. I gotta say, I really appreciate it!" Peter said with a warm smile, looking over to his friend who was currently in the kitchen, coming back with some food and drinks in hand. "Hey, it's...

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Farmhands - Feral Horse TF

"OK, I think I'm FINALLY at the right farm, now..." Johnny said with a sigh, double checking the info he had on hand to ensure he was actually at the correct place this time. The youth had applied for a job at one of the local farms as a means to help...

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Blood Offering - Malzeno TF

"Hard to believe it's nearly November already!" Peter thought to himself, stretching in his chair as he idly glanced at the calendar on his wall. It was the day before Halloween, and there wasn't a whole lot that could be done outside of ensuring he...

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Kat's Recruitment - Herm Demon TF

"I feel like we've been flying all over the place tonight!" Kat chuckled, glancing down from atop the back of her gryphon friend. "Are you sure you know where you're going?" "Yeah, without a doubt!" Peter smirked, beginning to descend. "My friend...

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Scientific Changes - Stegosaurus TF

"All right, let's see how things are going with this little project of mine..." Theo said to himself as he swiped his lab entry key card through the reader, the device beeping as the doors opened up for him. "By now it should be approaching the point...

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Birthday Fun - Shadow Lugia and Ho-Oh Tfs

"He should be here soon!" Johnny waited eagerly in the front room, glancing over at the clock as he awaited the arrival of his good friend, Peter. The thirty-something had promised him that he'd pay Johnny a visit for his birthday, and that he'd be...

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