
Neutering... mind control... basil\_ramley goes on the space adventure ride at charnival and discovers that its a little to real...

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Lore of Mysticfell - Chapter 25 | Alister

Alister didn't know what to think at first but before long basil pushed him aside. the quilava had realized that they had finally caught up to hathor. "hathor," basil calls out. "basil, alister, shawn, when did you guys get here?

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Memento Mori -- Chapter 7

Donovan and snow may not have a problem with basil's position on the council's seats, but kane and aleksander may not approve of letting someone like basil be so close, let alone bound to me.

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The Cabin: A Tale of Terror; Part 2: The Accident

He didn't dare look over to basil and risk the ire of the hostile bear, but he knew the opossum must look the same. he couldn't tell if he had ejaculated, if the basil did, or both of them had.

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Redwall: Helping Out a Hare

Said basil. "and what, pray tell, would that be, eh?" "i've got feelings for other males too," said matthias with a mischievous grin. basil was shocked. "you're puttin' me on, chappie!

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Memento Mori -- Chapter 6

"i think its time i showed you what i'm capable of," basil whispered, "turn over onto your stomach."

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Breakfast in Bed

Using his arms to make up for lack of leverage, he clenched needily around basil's twinned maleness. "just another foot left to bury in your burrow." basil teased lustily.

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Lizards Live as Lizards Lie

basil arched his back and puffed out his frill.

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Memento Mori -- Chapter 10

"but before that, i believe basil has something he needs to explain to everyone." basil and donovan exchanged a look now that rivalled the one sawyer and leon had exchanged.

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Part III- Writing Zero's into the Liability Matrix

basil grabbed another picture off the wall and looked down at it.

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Fertile Soil - Chapter 6

Again, within a few suckles, basil got a throat-bulging blast, practically causing cream to shoot out the boy's nose and drool out of his lips around the long wobbly shaft. basil was almost dizzy with excitement.

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