Talking Gerbils

The ferret climbed the leg of a canadian functionary and onto the table with a freshly-dead mouse in its mouth. it muttered something, then dropped the mouse on the table. "spyin'," it said. "proof enough i'm on da up-'n'-up?"

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Mud. Chapter 3

He growled, and i once again made a note that he was most certainly canadian-judging by his accent, french canadian. "hmmm?"

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Late night, agent's lounge

Je suis ne' ailleurs, mais je mourrai un canadian! gray then saluted the flag, then collapsed, exhausted. silver nodded. "very moving. but, if you're a true canadian, then what was the greatest hockey team of all time?"

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Superiority Chapter 14

Several canadian scientists were surrounding a large missile in the center of the room. feldman turned around to face goodman. "this, mister president," said feldman. "is the pride, and shame of the canadian armed forces."

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Half-Blood Chapter XII

Ian said cheerfully, "sorry about you waking up alone but dad and i had to set up something with the canadian council.

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Aphrodite City 3: The Bank Job

Hypothermia shouted, the canadian snow leopard waving his cryo-gun around threateningly. "do you think my name is funny, eh? eh!"

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For Your Paws Only - Chapter 1

It is the canadian foreign operations executive, commonly known, to those few in the know, as fox.

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Silverfox 04

"and we're on top of the canadian navy's pacific base," silverfox said. she looked at him. "think the \_flying saucer\_ is really with the canadian navy?" "no," he said. "she's registered in bermuda. of course, that might be a disguise.

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In Our Minds, Part 1

-The Buzzer rang loudly at 7:00 in the morning. And as with every morning, Bruce turned over and hit it to silence its tone, and returned to his rest. But the damage was done, and he already noticed something wasn't quite right. He felt the second...

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