
Hungry, she sat crosslegged in the dirt and pine needles, waiting for the ancient Svea camp stove to boil water for her evening meal. Her mind wandered to nowhere in particular, content to fixate absently on whatever fell within her...

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The Feline Creature

The feline creature was conceited and, one evening, while staring at his reflection on the still seas, he started to think about his magnificence. He was the wind and the breeze which shook the foliage with its swift touch; he was the goshawk and the...

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Deeper within

The many terrors the hunter faced only grew stronger as he ventured deep into the caverns that extended all the way to the core of that forsaken world. Direr and direr, lights fainter and fainter, darkness absolute now that the sun had been left behind...

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A Big Hard Present

The tight kitten gets tighter clenching down hard around crow's cock. rope after rope of musky kitty cum spray out splashing against crow's broad chest and abs. the tightness causes crow to lose it.

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Jeremy 048; Dominic

Dominic looked at the crow in the dome and asked "would you like to eat your companion?" with a glance at the cat, the crow leaned down and pecked on the floor of the dome right next to the jaguar. jeremy looked at the other crow.

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Arousing The Serpent

Arousing Lily's Serpent Azul yawned blinking awake slowly, the tiny Hybrid clicking his beak a bit he nuzzled his feathery head and fox-like ears against his much larger wife's breasts. A loud moan rumbled out from the sleeping Lugia named...

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And the Chunnering Wyrm Doth Chide

Started to sound like a whole mess of crows, like if crows had a gospel choir, all singin' together. or like somebody'd... made a fiddle outa crow voices, stead of outa wood or strings."

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A Long, Dark Road (Part 11)

The crow glanced at varg, who nodded slowly, his expression still guarded and reluctant.

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A Long, Dark Road (Part 10)

"damien," the crow answered, ignoring the roll of eyes and scoff that the dragon responded with.

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A Long, Dark Road (Part 9)

The crow turned and faced the enraged necromancers, the two women having recovered from the blast with minimal injury.

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So an oridinary male gets abducted by a species of anthro crows who modify him for their needs.

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blind dog walking

The blind dog walks He walks like you and me talks But when he walks across the street Every one stares at his fur like they're concrete Children ask him does he ever sleep Can he even count the sheep. But on a happy little day Or so says the...

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