Lesbian Wolf (Book four)

Combined with the fact that the hated thoughts toward the cyber wolf was quick to change to that of lust, a silent whimper trying desperately to force its way up through his lips.

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A small heist...

Last of all was the cyber deck it was a net watch net driver, highly advanced and high eddie as well. "thanks for the goodies mr. stallion... or should i say mr. gelding."

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Your size matters (part four)

Each one of those cyber crystal was, in fact, a storage unit for clothes.

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He would put a message on the modem and throw it into the cyber sea.

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Death Of The TITAN: glimps

These were the titans that were charged with the protection of the country and were equipped with the latest technology, heavy weapons, automated assembly lines, nuclear weapons and cyber brains.

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The two headed off to find themselves an adequate vantage point from which to take shots at the cyber wyvern.

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Vulcan Automata - Hiring Practices - Part 2

#2 of vulcan automata a story based in adalore's vulcan automata world, we get to watch as two new employees from very different backgrounds and brought on-board and cyberized into creatures of polymer, plastic and electricity!

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Galactic Racing eXtreme - Episode 1, Part C

The cyber-feline gave a big grin and waved at her fans; the cheering of the crowd rose a notch.

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Shadowrun: Hiding Out and Winding Down

She got herself another cyber eye since the grenade took the last one. it wasn't one of those laser-eyes they like to show on trids, the ones that are solid steel and glow red.

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As Easy As Breathing part 2

They are well known cyber terrorists. the bulldog is frank hagen, 30 years old, 230 pounds. the ferret is hank fargo, 27 years old, 160 pounds.

Blood & Chrome: Recollections

Did you upgrade your cybers again?" asked the young wolf pup. cybers is short for cybernetics. "a little bit, yeah." the coyote replied as he punched the sandbag with a flurry of strikes. but then stopped and tapped it as he looked down at the pup.

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The Protector chapter 4: Terminal 666

"whats with the cyber dragon?" the dragon blinked. sonya shook her head. "he's my client.. and my friend.. plasma tech found him and..." the dragon whimpered.

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