Jeremy 019; Not By Chance
After a few seconds he said "i'm going to give you the number of an hr manager in one of my teams downtown. get in touch with her and let her know your situation.
Strange New Land I- First Day of Forever
Not exactly "ghetto", roughly equivalent to downtown portland as central-south academy was to downtown colorado springs. she noticed a few hobo tents and some pawn shops with barred windows.
Bug vs Bug (Macro Story)
It really was a scolipede, a gigantic one, and it was heading right for downtown.
Growing Pains
They had no idea about how wrong they were, as mark's titanic bunny paws made quick time towards the center of downtown. as he reached the edges downtown, the titan looked down at the tiny people... no, the tiny toys at his feet.
Modeling For a Friend (Commission)
Serinthia lived in a comfortable, and impressively spacious one bedroom apartment just along the downtown strip, not terrible far from the apartment that samantha shared with her brother.
Short and Sweet Dream Story
The little 5'8" raccoon ran as fast as he could away from the downtown area, and up to the top of hill a few hundred yards away before he stopped dead in his tracks. 'wait, why am i running?' he thought to himself.
The First "Ripe" Death Investigation
"shit, that's gonna take them a while to get here from downtown, especially in the traffic on the freeway lately," my partner said, "i'll call homicide to see if they wanna come out to check it out.
Twinks Across America: Ch. 16 - Minnesota
Rather than hook up with somebody in the mall of america, sebastian decides to hook up with a badger and bobcat couple at their downtown apartment.
Twinks Across America: Ch. 15 - South Dakota
Cleaning up before taking a nice shower, i packed up, then decided to spend the rest of the day looking around downtown before driving to minnesota. on a side note, i didn't ignore my messes.
Twinks Across America: Chapter 7 - Utah
For now, i wanted to enjoy the rest of what downtown offered for a tourist.
Georgia Campaign
"i'm endrico warwing of the 2nd air assault medical detachment, united states," i introduced myself, "i was heading towards downtown newnan to meet up with the assaulting forces there."
Twinks Across America: Ch. 33 - Georgia
The very first thing i did after booking into a motel near the downtown area was plan two things: plan my next sexual conquest and enjoy as much of the cosmopolitan scene as possible.