Suburban Bliss - Chapter One

At least the spam filter got most of it, but every now and then, something would find its way through. i deleted the unimportant messages and realized that there were no important messages left.

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The Adventures of Stevo-Chapter 8-Pokemon,2012,Part 2

Then he realized he forgot to tell him that the coffee they had wasn't filtered. "stevo, be careful, the coffee's not-\*stevo blows raspberry\*-filtered. ew." he looked at himself covered in coffee grain stevo spitted out.

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Haunted house

The interior was even worse than the outside, with very little of the setting sun filtering through. i turn the flashlight of my mobile on and sweep the small light around the place. everything was as dated and worn in here.

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Space Rats 2.0: Strange Matters

A boot connecting with with the filter screen. then another, and i saw the filter dent and tear from one edge - he was going to knock it free and look down the duct. ... he was going to look down the duct!

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The Furry Rebellion | Chapter Nine

You and arron will go to the city center and cause a disturbance, while narr, markus, and i sneak into the barracks, get narr through the radiation filter, then run back to base and lay low until you come back."

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King of Men

His offers were much quicker however, as he filtered down the line till just one pair remained before the late entries.

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Checkers pieces in a chess game

Normally it only takes an hour to filter all the toxins out of the air, we've been here all night. i turn where to beth is sitting. katie was finally awake and for a pleasant change was talking to beth with that oh so lovable smile again.

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Another World's Hell Creek

Phoenicodraco fulgens: a four meter wingspanned, filter-feeding targaryendraconid. saurofalco fatalis: a 2.4 meter wingspanned omnivorous eudimorphodontid. saurosteatornis americana: a 1.7 meter wingspanned herbivorous eudimorphodontid.

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Jessickas' New Role

The filter was unscrewed and replaced with a rebreather bag - complicating an already low amount of air intake.

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Autumn Woods - Chapter Eight

Chapter seven was marked 'adult' so if you do not see the chapter, check your filters and preferences. all chapters of both my stories may include tags that are placed on users' filters so again, if any content is missing, please check your filters.

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The Beginning Of Xrohne Chapter #3

Next he went down to the river and filled up his water filter, to next hang it on a tree.

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Background Noise

When frosty was occupied with something, whether it be spending time with friends and loved ones, working, watching videos, he could generally filter out the noise well enough.

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