That Summer - Part I

Part I Sometimes when I'm too many drinks in, I remember that summer. I was 20, coming back home to help my parents on the farm while school was out. And hell, even though manual labor ranked about dead last on my list of how I wanted to spend...

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What a Dark Secrets Does Thou Hold?

"LEADER-SAMAAAAAA!!!" Pein flinched as he heard the cheery yell of foreboding doom, with a deep sigh he looked up from his desk "now what" he grumbles. Rimmon, who was reporting in from her mission, shrugs "She's your problem" she chuckles morbidly as...

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\*Disclaimer\* This story contains sexual acts between two males. If you are not 18, or are just not into that stuff, then I suggest you do not read this. On the other hand, if you are 18 and like this stuff, then I suggest you do...

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Pick me up

It's Saturday night, and I'm deeply engrossed in my horror movie. To tell the truth, I can't even remember the title, but it keeps me glued to the couch nonetheless--that's why I watch them. During what would probably be the most...

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Book One--Chapter One: Five Years Ago

**Book I--Chapter 1: Five Years Ago** Luca Vosz and Ash Black had been best friends for as long as either of them could remember. Looking back, it had to have been almost twenty years ago. They lived on the same block, and their parents were...

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Rising From the Ashes

_Nic found himself and rushed to be with Axel..._ _Nic and Axel start things off..._ He stared deeply into those ice-blue orbs and became transfixed upon them. Axel, still caught quite off-guard from the kiss, merely nodded a...

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Espresso--Third Installment

_Here's the third section of my romance. It's got a lot more dialogue, and it's longer, and there's some boy on boy action. Um. I don't think there's a whole lot else to introduce you to. Comments are good, blah blah blah. ...

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Espresso--Second Installment

_This is the second bit of the romance I'm working on. Prepare to be triple-baffled in this one. I recognize that it's implausible, but part of this story is about silly coincidences. This is also a little shorter than the first part,...

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Espresso--First installment

_This is just the first part of the story I've been working on. It's going to be a romance. This is basically a teaser. There's really no sex to speak of in this bit, but there will be in the rest of the story, so disclaimer...

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Espresso--Fourth Installment

_Well, it took a little longer than I thought, but here's the fourth part of my romance. Yeah, at this point, you must surely doubt my choice in calling it a romance, but trust me on this. It's weird and silly, but that's just the way this...

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Chapter Five: Broken _ _ _She must be expecting someone..._ School was better today than it had been on Monday. He had actually talked to his friends today, which improved things considerably. Tori was really...

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Blood and Tears

Chapter Four: Blood and Tears _ _ He noticed some blood-stained clothes sitting in a hamper towards the foot of the bed, and it all hit him at once..._himself leaping up from the ground...his paw recoiling in pain from the force at which...

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