Interview with a dragon

Naketa gave a long whistle as shi stepped from the interview, a cetacean sigh, glancing around before heading towards the other interview office hir husband calafin was using.

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Ondine's Interview

I'll have them interviewed as i talk with you..."

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An Intense Interview

I uhh....clean up after his..interviews. she blushed. we're in my mom's office.

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Impromptu Interview

"hey, charley, i've gotta go, my interview's here, alright? ... yeah, call me back in like an hour. ... bye." he hung up the phone. "i, um, didn't agree to an intervi-- oh!"

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Interview with the otherworlder.

"so let me get this straight. You are not from this world?" The main questioned the humanoid fox once again. "Is it that complicated? I'm not from here obviously." The fox slunk back in his chair, crossing his arms. "I have come here to warn you about...

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A Good Interview

The alpha males started to casually question him though and he complied happily with the interview. they asked if he had done porn before and he quickly shook his head no.

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Job Interview

## **job interview** _how the hell did i get here?_ mark had responded to the ad, entering the building after waiting 10 minutes in his car, torn between shame and the need of money.

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Vorish Interview

On one occasion my boss he asked for a interview with the dragoneer and i said -its impossible sir nobody nobody has been able to reach him- -i call him for the interview and he says yes-says my boss -he lives near of manhattan you can walk to his house

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Interview with Cerberus

It was in a world below our world. A strong tide flowed through the underground caverns and out of sight. Standing on one shore didn't provide any vista of the other side of that river. The water ran different than usual one. It was darker, paler....

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A Thorough Interview

"is this part of the interview?" flare chuckled and winked. "part of _my_ interview."

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Interview with a Micro

He offered an exclusive interview if i came to this bar, alone, at just the right time. i did have to wonder why this particular bar was chosen.

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job interview

The zoo keeper told him to come down for an interview at 7p.m. he thought to him self "what an odd time." so he left for the zoo. when he got to the interview room the zoo keeper said they need someone for "experiments".

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