
Terpsichorean- 1. pertaining to dancing 2. A dancer At last, her footsteps brought her to her destination. The length of the hallway short compared to the amount of gumption it required for the wolf to cross it. Every fiber of her body had...

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Marblecliff Christmas 2013

Marblecliff Christmas 2012 Ghosts of Christmas Future by [![avatar?user=259781&character=0&clevel=2](https://www.sofurryfiles.com/std/avatar?user=259781&character=0&clevel=2) VerbMyNoun](https://verbmynoun.sofurry.com/ "VerbMyNoun") This is a work...

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The Familial House

#20 of husbando meet the house and his resident. characters and story © me all comments are welcome. **_after two hours passed to go through snowy roads, and iced trees, the two "companions" finally reach their destination.

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Root of the Issue

"you look so handsome," mary said, arms stretched about his stomach, not quite able to meet in the middle.

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06 Dinner with the Family

Please to meet you, though i can't say i have heard much." she said making eye contact with a wide grin. "pleased to meet you miss fargo, and i have to admit i've heard little of you either," arnold said looking to his daughter.

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3. Meet Danny

He knew i missed them greatly, and i accepted his offer to meet his parents. we got to his house, a small mansion on the edge of town. both of his parents were lawyers, so they had loads of money.

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The Park of unexpected Creatures-Introduction

Within days a huge meeting was set up with portals opening in on a secret meeting room hidden away from anyone that may be a spy with the only was being able to enter the room would be via a portal.

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Last of the Lycans 3

meetings were usually held in futurda and to day was no different. the man sitting in the grand chair spoke out first. "this meeting of the human elif council will now commence. please bring any problems you would wish to convey."

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Cassandra (Chapter 1)

"lovely to meet you, sh-" "how come you're here on your own?" interrupted cassandra, her attention still firmly fixed upon the tiger.

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Bat and Cat 1

S nice to meet you.? the tender hug lasted a moment longer, before the 2 pulled apart from each other. they locked eyes for a minute, megan looking into ross?s deep blue orbs, and ross gazing back into megan?s purple spheres.

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They Meet

Silver sighed as he started to leave work and walk home. He lived in the city where everything was in biking distance from his apartment, but recently his bike finally broke beyond repair and he needed a new one. He just hadn't had the time to go and...

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The Meeting

This is my first entry. I put a lot of thought into it, but I know it's not going to be perfect. Please, give me any criticism you can, and be as harsh as you need to. So long as it helps me. And in the meantime... enjoy! \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* ...

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