Golem vs. Primals - Part 1 - Horse

At the beast's forehead, and rising quite prominently thence, was a curved, blade-like horn several more meters in length and about a meter in thickness.

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Jem's Bad Week (Part 7)

The box was two meters high, one meter wide and half a meter deep, build out of transparent titanium armor half a centimeter thick. almost a meter up the front side was a large circular hole.

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Genetic Children-Log 30- And then the ground came alive.

It propels itself at 5 meters per second. i drove that rstv exaclty..." niel looked at the remotes readout. "one hundred and ten meters down this here tube. that means we want at least twenty two seconds give or take a second.

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**length:** 220 meters **over all wingspans:** 210 meters **height:** 30 meters **displacement: ** 412,000 cubic meters, vacuum displaced.

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The Towel Boy - Ankle Tap

It flew over the forty metre line, the thirty metre line. halfway to the twenty metre line, keeping his eye on the ball, alex ran back and leapt for it and caught to the cheer of the crowd.

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Unique -or- “Ain't No Thing Like Me”

The three-meter-tall giant fired. the small ridge of boulders exploded in a ball of flame and scattered debris. smoke plumed and spread out. the blue blister sneered and stepped forward.

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The Needs of the Many...

* * * 2000 meters and 20 seconds to impact. raybia cut power to the rest of the ship and began funneling it in to the engine core as she needed it to make one massive jump. momentum would have to do now. 1600 meters and 16 seconds to impact.

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Soap Opera

I was lying-on the floor of a prison cell, about 2-meters by 2-meters. the wall by my feet had a 1-meter wide barred prison-door. a grey-steel bench was in the corner. a few minutes later...

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Quetzalcoatlus yiff

It was huge, with a wingspan of 13 meters or so.

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Breathing Life--Chapter Two

Never more than a meter apart at anytime. just like now. ren walked just under a meter in front of me.

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