Lemon Colored Lovers

He cried out, the hot, sticky mousie, squirming with every thrust as i did my best to bring him to a second orgasm. my hips slapped against his chubby rump, and suddenly, i felt it boiling inside of me.

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Social Studies

"you're going to be a big mousy when you grow up. now... off with your clothes." the mouse shook his head vigorously. "i said... off... with... your... clothes!" he grabbed the child's trousers and yanked them down hard.

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My Knight in Shinning Armour ch 8

Alex moans loader and mutters out "stop teasing me davy" david chuckles and stops "do you want me mousy?"

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Within that Mortal Coil

"now sit up mousie." zurui said quietly. kael did as he was told, sitting up onto his knees in the bed. zurui coiled around him slowly.

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Meeting His Master

"sorry mousie, you'll need that soon enough." he whispered as his coils relaxed, allowing the mouse to slump to the floor, unconscious.

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Holly - In The Blood

The mousy teen moved across the room and bent to lift the bottle from where it sat.

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Yes Master

"now take me mousy." james then almost begged in a seductive tone. of course as a totall noob i was not that sure how to "take" him, but i was not stupid either so i could imagine.

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Chapter 1: Crimson Flagstones

"th' sunset's supposed t'be beautiful tonight mousie. too bad yew won't live t' see it!" "yah, th' royal fishies are gonna 'ave flayed mousie t'night." "harr, harr, keep th' cleanin' crew ready, mates!

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Nisse, Julefest, and Hooves- Second Day of Christmas

"then let's waste no time, his porridge is good" vig says, dragging his brother towards their house within a house making all the noise of a dozen mice dancing around a mousy-may-pole.

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Camp Gannahawmpyuh

A tall older cheetah leans over the seat behind the mousie. "it's an old indian word," whispers the cheetah, "but they've never told us what it means."? the cheetah is about 13 years old, with a thin runner's build, like most cheetahs.

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He couldn't see where his dick was pointing but he wanted to believe it was aimed at gravick's boot like the croc had said, imagining he could hear the rubbery patter of his spunk on wellies "oooh, good mousie," the croc teased as leon let the spent prick

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