Purgatory -Rough Draft/Arrival-

'We have some celebrities here boys and girls' the voice over the intercom would echo as the shipped rocked back and forth through the pull of the gravity from the nearby sun. Those within the ship would all be seated and none to happy as they shook...

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Pursuit of Purgatory: Part one

Pursuit of purgatory part 1 - phantasms prologue my eyes watered as they focused on the second tiny pearl of opaque liquid that was forming on the end of the dripper above me as it quivered for a moment before falling onto the surface

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A Late Halloween Report

It's like a semi-mortal purgatory. i've only encountered spirits from there in the rarest of situations, each time only able to manifest themselves in the midgard, our regular humdrum mortal world, for only important reasons.

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The Progeny, The Wheat, The Battle 2

The elder said, and with the two giving their parting glances to each other, arya finally heads off to the jeep, to leave her purgatory and finally confront herself.

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A Second Chance

No matter where he went, it was unending - like purgatory where he'd spend the rest of eternity in this endless, lightness void of space and time.

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Flying Circus

Was he dead and floating in purgatory? he cursed himself, with the things he'd done, there's no doubt he'd be burning in hell. purgatory was too good for him.

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Thereafter: Prologue

This story is dedicated to the friends and inspirations that gave these ideas life... Thereafter By Mironde Prologue: Fade They found him that evening, dead in his cell. It was a routine check as always. They expected him to be...

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Owning My Humanity -- Commitment

Maybe this is hell or purgatory, and i've not grasped the fact. perhaps i'm a defiler or infidel and will simply be destroyed altogether for my hubris as a nonbeliever. maybe it's written and there's not a thing i can do. or, perhaps not.

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The Longest Fall - Prologue (First Draft)

Nothing the arch-angel had said to her, before he sent her to this...this purgatory...had prepared kendra for this unending agony.

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Prince Alexander Wayne Selenveen [Character Information]

Alexander has an iq estimated be between 330 and 450 at a minimum,making him the smartest person in purgatory and perhaps all of creation. due to this,alexander is said to posses the ability to 'see into the future' although this is false.

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Accursed Dragon: Guardians of the Four Seasons: Part 1: The Tree of Time: Coven's awakening

Oh how he loathe the dragon for getting him into this purgatory state. but he never responding. he wanted to talk to him, to confront him. and asked him.... _"why me?"_ coven sighed. **"open your eyes, coven."** coven's eyelids began to twitch.

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OutFoxxed!! - Part 2

If this was the fox's idea of heaven or purgatory then the fox wasn't too impressed with himself for his warped imagination. but as he turned to see was behind him, he wondered if he was in somewhere not so pleasant.

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